Source code for

from i3pystatus import IntervalModule
from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError

[docs]class Shell(IntervalModule): """ Shows output of shell command """ color = "#FFFFFF" error_color = "#FF0000" settings = ( ("command", "command to be executed"), ("color", "standard color"), ("error_color", "color to use when non zero exit code is returned") ) required = ("command",) def run(self): try: out = check_output(self.command, shell=True) color = self.color except CalledProcessError as e: out = e.output color = self.error_color out = out.decode("UTF-8").replace("\n", " ") try: if out[-1] == " ": out = out[:-1] except: out = "" self.output = { "full_text": out, "color": color }