
All modules let you specifiy the exact output formatting using a format string, which gives you a great deal of flexibility.

If a module gives you a float, it probably has a ton of uninteresting decimal places. Use {somefloat:.0f} to get the integer value, {somefloat:0.2f} gives you two decimal places after the decimal dot


Some modules use an extended format string syntax (the mpd module, for example). Given the format string below the output adapts itself to the available data.


Only if both the artist and album is known they’re displayed. If only one or none of them is known the entire group between the brackets is excluded.

“is known” is here defined as “value evaluating to True in Python”, i.e. an empty string or 0 (or 0.0) counts as “not known”.

Inside a group always all format specifiers must evaluate to true (logical and).

You can nest groups. The inner group will only become part of the output if both the outer group and the inner group are eligible for output.


Some modules that output times use TimeWrapper to format these. TimeWrapper is a mere extension of the standard formatting method.

The time format that should be used is specified using the format specifier, i.e. with some_time being 3951 seconds a format string like {some_time:%h:%m:%s} would produce 1:5:51.

  • %h, %m and %s are the hours, minutes and seconds without leading zeros (i.e. 0 to 59 for minutes and seconds)
  • %H, %M and %S are padded with a leading zero to two digits, i.e. 00 to 59
  • %l and %L produce hours non-padded and padded but only if hours is not zero. If the hours are zero it produces an empty string.
  • %% produces a literal %
  • %E (only valid on beginning of the string) if the time is null, don’t format anything but rather produce an empty string. If the time is non-null it is removed from the string.
  • When the module in question also uses formatp, 0 seconds counts as “not known”.
  • The formatted time is stripped, i.e. spaces on both ends of the result are removed.