Source code for

from itertools import zip_longest
import subprocess

import netifaces

from i3pystatus import IntervalModule

# Reminder: if we raise minimum Python version to 3.3, use ipaddress module

def count_bits(integer):
    bits = 0
    while (integer):
        integer &= integer - 1
        bits += 1
    return bits

def v6_to_int(v6):
    return int(v6.replace(":", ""), 16)

def prefix6(mask):
    return count_bits(v6_to_int(mask))

def cidr6(addr, mask):
    return "{addr}/{bits}".format(addr=addr, bits=prefix6(mask))

def v4_to_int(v4):
    sum = 0
    mul = 1
    for part in reversed(v4.split(".")):
        sum += int(part) * mul
        mul *= 2 ** 8
    return sum

def prefix4(mask):
    return count_bits(v4_to_int(mask))

def cidr4(addr, mask):
    return "{addr}/{bits}".format(addr=addr, bits=prefix4(mask))

def get_bonded_slaves():
        with open("/sys/class/net/bonding_masters") as f:
            masters =
    except FileNotFoundError:
        return {}
    slaves = {}
    for master in masters:
        with open("/sys/class/net/{}/bonding/slaves".format(master)) as f:
            for slave in
                slaves[slave] = master
    return slaves

def sysfs_interface_up(interface, unknown_up=False):
        with open("/sys/class/net/{}/operstate".format(interface)) as f:
            status =
    except FileNotFoundError:
        raise RuntimeError("Unknown interface {iface}!".format(iface=interface))
    return status == "up" or unknown_up and status == "unknown"

[docs]class Network(IntervalModule): """ Display network information about a interface. Requires the PyPI package `netifaces`. .. rubric:: Available formatters * `{interface}` — same as setting * `{name}` — same as setting * `{v4}` — IPv4 address * `{v4mask}` — subnet mask * `{v4cidr}` — IPv4 address in cidr notation (i.e. * `{v6}` — IPv6 address * `{v6mask}` — subnet mask * `{v6cidr}` — IPv6 address in cidr notation * `{mac}` — MAC of interface Not available addresses (i.e. no IPv6 connectivity) are replaced with empty strings. """ settings = ( ("interface", "Interface to obtain information for"), "format_up", "color_up", "format_down", "color_down", ("detached_down", "If the interface doesn't exist, display it as if it were down"), ("unknown_up", "If the interface is in unknown state, display it as if it were up"), "name", ) name = interface = "eth0" format_up = "{interface}: {v4}" format_down = "{interface}" color_up = "#00FF00" color_down = "#FF0000" detached_down = True unknown_up = False def init(self): if self.interface not in netifaces.interfaces() and not self.detached_down: raise RuntimeError( "Unknown interface {iface}!".format(iface=self.interface)) def collect(self): if self.interface not in netifaces.interfaces() and self.detached_down: self.format = self.format_down color = self.color_down return self.color_down, self.format_down, {"interface": self.interface, "name":}, False info = netifaces.ifaddresses(self.interface) slaves = get_bonded_slaves() try: master = slaves[self.interface] except KeyError: pass else: if sysfs_interface_up(self.interface, self.unknown_up): master_info = netifaces.ifaddresses(master) for af in (netifaces.AF_INET, netifaces.AF_INET6): try: info[af] = master_info[af] except KeyError: pass up = sysfs_interface_up(self.interface, self.unknown_up) fdict = dict( zip_longest(["v4", "v4mask", "v4cidr", "v6", "v6mask", "v6cidr"], [], fillvalue="")) try: mac = info[netifaces.AF_PACKET][0]["addr"] except KeyError: mac = "NONE" fdict.update({ "interface": self.interface, "name":, "mac": mac, }) if up: format = self.format_up color = self.color_up if netifaces.AF_INET in info: v4 = info[netifaces.AF_INET][0] fdict["v4"] = v4["addr"] fdict["v4mask"] = v4["netmask"] fdict["v4cidr"] = cidr4(v4["addr"], v4["netmask"]) if netifaces.AF_INET6 in info: for v6 in info[netifaces.AF_INET6]: fdict["v6"] = v6["addr"] fdict["v6mask"] = v6["netmask"] fdict["v6cidr"] = cidr6(v6["addr"], v6["netmask"]) if not v6["addr"].startswith("fe80::"): # prefer non link-local addresses break else: format = self.format_down color = self.color_down return color, format, fdict, up def run(self): color, format, fdict, up = self.collect() self.output = { "full_text": format.format(**fdict), "color": color, "instance": self.interface } def on_leftclick(self): subprocess.Popen(["nm-connection-editor"])