Source code for i3pystatus.mpd

import socket
from os.path import basename

from i3pystatus import IntervalModule, formatp
from i3pystatus.core.util import TimeWrapper

[docs]class MPD(IntervalModule): """ Displays various information from MPD (the music player daemon) Available formatters (uses :ref:`formatp`) * `{title}` — (the title of the current song) * `{album}` — (the album of the current song, can be an empty string (e.g. for online streams)) * `{artist}` — (can be empty, too) * `{filename}` — (file name with out extension and path; empty unless title is empty) * `{song_elapsed}` — (Position in the currently playing song, uses :ref:`TimeWrapper`, default is `%m:%S`) * `{song_length}` — (Length of the current song, same as song_elapsed) * `{pos}` — (Position of current song in playlist, one-based) * `{len}` — (Songs in playlist) * `{status}` — (play, pause, stop mapped through the `status` dictionary) * `{bitrate}` — (Current bitrate in kilobit/s) * `{volume}` — (Volume set in MPD) Left click on the module play/pauses, right click (un)mutes. """ interval = 1 settings = ( ("host"), ("port", "MPD port"), ("format", "formatp string"), ("status", "Dictionary mapping pause, play and stop to output"), ("color", "The color of the text"), ) host = "localhost" port = 6600 s = None format = "{title} {status}" status = { "pause": "▷", "play": "▶", "stop": "◾", } color = "#FFFFFF" def _mpd_command(self, sock, command): try: sock.send((command + "\n").encode("utf-8")) except Exception as e: self.s = socket.create_connection((, self.port)) sock = self.s sock.recv(8192) sock.send((command + "\n").encode("utf-8")) try: reply = sock.recv(16384).decode("utf-8") replylines = reply.split("\n")[:-2] return dict( (line.split(": ", 1)) for line in replylines ) except Exception as e: return None def run(self): status = self._mpd_command(self.s, "status") currentsong = self._mpd_command(self.s, "currentsong") fdict = { "pos": int(status.get("song", 0)) + 1, "len": int(status["playlistlength"]), "status": self.status[status["state"]], "volume": int(status["volume"]), "title": currentsong.get("Title", ""), "album": currentsong.get("Album", ""), "artist": currentsong.get("Artist", ""), "song_length": TimeWrapper(currentsong.get("Time", 0)), "song_elapsed": TimeWrapper(float(status.get("elapsed", 0))), "bitrate": int(status.get("bitrate", 0)), } if not fdict["title"] and "filename" in fdict: fdict["filename"] = '.'.join( basename(currentsong["file"]).split('.')[:-1]) else: fdict["filename"] = "" self.output = { "full_text": formatp(self.format, **fdict).strip(), "color": self.color, } def on_leftclick(self): try: self._mpd_command(self.s, "%s" % ("play" if self._mpd_command(self.s, "status")["state"] in ["pause", "stop"] else "pause")) except Exception as e: pass def on_rightclick(self): try: self._mpd_command(self.s, "next") except Exception as e: pass def on_upscroll(self): try: self._mpd_command(self.s, "next") except Exception as e: pass def on_downscroll(self): try: self._mpd_command(self.s, "previous") except Exception as e: pass