Source code for i3pystatus.alsa

from alsaaudio import Mixer, ALSAAudioError

from i3pystatus import IntervalModule

[docs]class ALSA(IntervalModule): """ Shows volume of ALSA mixer. You can also use this for inputs, btw. Requires pyalsaaudio .. rubric:: Available formatters * `{volume}` — the current volume in percent * `{muted}` — the value of one of the `muted` or `unmuted` settings * `{card}` — the associated soundcard * `{mixer}` — the associated ALSA mixer """ interval = 1 settings = ( "format", ("format_muted", "optional format string to use when muted"), ("mixer", "ALSA mixer"), ("mixer_id", "ALSA mixer id"), ("card", "ALSA sound card"), ("increment", "integer percentage of max volume to in/decrement volume on mousewheel"), "muted", "unmuted", "color_muted", "color", "channel" ) muted = "M" unmuted = "" color_muted = "#AAAAAA" color = "#FFFFFF" format = "♪: {volume}" format_muted = None mixer = "Master" mixer_id = 0 card = 0 channel = 0 increment = 5 alsamixer = None has_mute = True def init(self): self.create_mixer() try: self.alsamixer.getmute() except ALSAAudioError: self.has_mute = False self.fdict = { "card": self.alsamixer.cardname(), "mixer": self.mixer, } def create_mixer(self): self.alsamixer = Mixer( control=self.mixer, id=self.mixer_id, cardindex=self.card) def run(self): self.create_mixer() muted = False if self.has_mute: muted = self.alsamixer.getmute()[] == 1 self.fdict["volume"] = self.alsamixer.getvolume()[] self.fdict["muted"] = self.muted if muted else self.unmuted if muted and self.format_muted is not None: output_format = self.format_muted else: output_format = self.format self.output = { "full_text": output_format.format(**self.fdict), "color": self.color_muted if muted else self.color, } def on_leftclick(self): self.on_rightclick() def on_rightclick(self): if self.has_mute: muted = self.alsamixer.getmute()[] self.alsamixer.setmute(not muted) def on_upscroll(self): vol = self.alsamixer.getvolume()[] self.alsamixer.setvolume(min(100, vol + self.increment)) def on_downscroll(self): vol = self.alsamixer.getvolume()[] self.alsamixer.setvolume(max(0, vol - self.increment))