Source code for

from i3pystatus import IntervalModule
from i3pystatus.core.util import internet, require

from datetime import datetime
from urllib.request import urlopen
import json
import re


[docs]class Wunderground(IntervalModule): ''' This module retrieves weather data using the Weather Underground API. .. note:: A Weather Underground API key is required to use this module, you can sign up for a developer API key free at A developer API key is allowed 500 queries per day, and no more than 10 in a given minute. Therefore, it is recommended to be conservative when setting the update interval. Valid values for ``location_code`` include: * **State/City_Name** - CA/San_Francisco * **Country/City** - France/Paris * **Geolocation by IP** - autoip * **Zip or Postal Code** - 60616 * **ICAO Airport Code** - icao:LAX * **Latitude/Longitude** - 41.8301943,-87.6342619 * **Personal Weather Station (PWS)** - pws:KILCHICA30 When not using a ``pws`` or ``icao`` station ID, the location will be queried, and the closest station will be used. For a list of PWS station IDs, visit the following URL: .. _weather-usage-wunderground: .. rubric:: Usage example .. code-block:: python from i3pystatus import Status from import wunderground status = Status() status.register( 'weather', format='{condition} {current_temp}{temp_unit}{icon}[ Hi: {high_temp}] Lo: {low_temp}', colorize=True, backend=wunderground.Wunderground( api_key='dbafe887d56ba4ad', location_code='pws:MAT645', units='imperial', ), ) See :ref:`here <weather-formatters>` for a list of formatters which can be used. ''' interval = 300 settings = ( ('api_key', 'Weather Underground API key'), ('location_code', 'Location code from'), ('units', '\'metric\' or \'imperial\''), ('use_pws', 'Set to False to use only airport stations'), ('forecast', 'Set to ``True`` to check forecast (generates one ' 'additional API request per weather update). If set to ' '``False``, then the ``low_temp`` and ``high_temp`` ' 'formatters will be set to empty strings.'), ) required = ('api_key', 'location_code') api_key = None location_code = None units = 'metric' use_pws = True forecast = False # These will be set once weather data has been checked station_id = None forecast_url = None @require(internet)
[docs] def api_request(self, url): ''' Execute an HTTP POST to the specified URL and return the content ''' with urlopen(url) as content: try: content_type = dict(content.getheaders())['Content-Type'] charset ='charset=(.*)', content_type).group(1) except AttributeError: charset = 'utf-8' response = json.loads( try: raise Exception(response['response']['error']['description']) except KeyError: pass return response
[docs] def geolookup(self): ''' Use the location_code to perform a geolookup and find the closest station. If the location is a pws or icao station ID, no lookup will be peformed. ''' if self.station_id is None: try: for no_lookup in ('pws', 'icao'): sid = self.location_code.partition(no_lookup + ':')[-1] if sid: self.station_id = self.location_code return except AttributeError: # Numeric or some other type, either way we'll just stringify # it below and perform a lookup. pass extra_opts = '/pws:0' if not self.use_pws else '' api_url = GEOLOOKUP_URL % (self.api_key, extra_opts, self.location_code) response = self.api_request(api_url) station_type = 'pws' if self.use_pws else 'airport' try: stations = response['location']['nearby_weather_stations'] nearest = stations[station_type]['station'][0] except (KeyError, IndexError): raise Exception('No locations matched location_code %s' % self.location_code) if self.use_pws: nearest_pws = nearest.get('id', '') if not nearest_pws: raise Exception('No id entry for station') self.station_id = 'pws:%s' % nearest_pws else: nearest_airport = nearest.get('icao', '') if not nearest_airport: raise Exception('No icao entry for station') self.station_id = 'icao:%s' % nearest_airport
[docs] def get_forecast(self): ''' If configured to do so, make an API request to retrieve the forecast data for the configured/queried weather station, and return the low and high temperatures. Otherwise, return two empty strings. ''' if self.forecast: query_url = STATION_QUERY_URL % (self.api_key, 'forecast', self.station_id) try: response = self.api_request(query_url)['forecast'] response = response['simpleforecast']['forecastday'][0] except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError): raise Exception('No forecast data found for %s' % self.station_id) unit = 'celsius' if self.units == 'metric' else 'fahrenheit' low_temp = response.get('low', {}).get(unit, '') high_temp = response.get('high', {}).get(unit, '') return low_temp, high_temp else: return '', ''
[docs] def weather_data(self): ''' Query the configured/queried station and return the weather data ''' # If necessary, do a geolookup to set the station_id self.geolookup() query_url = STATION_QUERY_URL % (self.api_key, 'conditions', self.station_id) try: response = self.api_request(query_url)['current_observation'] self.forecast_url = response.pop('ob_url', None) except KeyError: raise Exception('No weather data found for %s' % self.station_id) low_temp, high_temp = self.get_forecast() if self.units == 'metric': temp_unit = 'c' speed_unit = 'kph' distance_unit = 'km' pressure_unit = 'mb' else: temp_unit = 'f' speed_unit = 'mph' distance_unit = 'mi' pressure_unit = 'in' def _find(key, data=None): data = data or response return data.get(key, 'N/A') try: observation_time = int(_find('observation_epoch')) except TypeError: observation_time = 0 return dict( city=_find('city', response['observation_location']), condition=_find('weather'), observation_time=datetime.fromtimestamp(observation_time), current_temp=_find('temp_' + temp_unit), low_temp=low_temp, high_temp=high_temp, temp_unit='°' + temp_unit.upper(), feelslike=_find('feelslike_' + temp_unit), dewpoint=_find('dewpoint_' + temp_unit), wind_speed=_find('wind_' + speed_unit), wind_unit=speed_unit, wind_direction=_find('wind_dir'), wind_gust=_find('wind_gust_' + speed_unit), pressure=_find('pressure_' + pressure_unit), pressure_unit=pressure_unit, pressure_trend=_find('pressure_trend'), visibility=_find('visibility_' + distance_unit), visibility_unit=distance_unit, humidity=_find('relative_humidity').rstrip('%'), uv_index=_find('uv'), )