Source code for i3pystatus.updates.dnf

from i3pystatus.core.command import run_through_shell
from i3pystatus.updates import Backend
from re import split, sub

[docs]class Dnf(Backend): """ Gets updates for RPM-based distributions with `dnf check-update`. The notification body consists of the status line followed by the package name and version for each update. """ @property def updates(self): command = ["dnf", "check-update"] dnf = run_through_shell(command) if dnf.err: return "?", dnf.err raw = dnf.out update_count = 0 if dnf.rc == 100: lines = raw.splitlines()[2:] lines = [l for l in lines if len(split("\s+", l.rstrip())) == 3] update_count = len(lines) notif_body = sub(r"(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s*\n", r"\1: \2\n", raw) return update_count, notif_body
Backend = Dnf if __name__ == "__main__": """ Call this module directly; Print the update count and notification body. """ print("Updates: {}\n\n{}".format(*Backend().updates))