Source code for i3pystatus.updates

import threading

from i3pystatus import SettingsBase, Module, formatp
from i3pystatus.core.util import internet, require
from i3pystatus.core.desktop import DesktopNotification

class Backend(SettingsBase):
    settings = ()
    updates = 0

[docs]class Updates(Module): """ Generic update checker. To use select appropriate backend(s) for your system. For list of all available backends see :ref:`updatebackends`. Left clicking on the module will refresh the count of upgradeable packages. This may be used to dismiss the notification after updating your system. Right clicking shows a desktop notification with a summary count and a list of available updates. .. rubric:: Available formatters * `{count}` — Sum of all available updates from all backends. * For each backend registered there is one formatter named after the backend, multiple identical backends do not accumulate, but overwrite each other. * For example, `{Cower}` (note capital C) is the number of updates reported by the cower backend, assuming it has been registered. .. rubric:: Usage example :: from i3pystatus import Status from i3pystatus.updates import pacman, cower status = Status() status.register("updates", format = "Updates: {count}", format_no_updates = "No updates", backends = [pacman.Pacman(), cower.Cower()]) """ interval = 3600 settings = ( ("backends", "Required list of backends used to check for updates."), ("format", "Format used when updates are available. " "May contain formatters."), ("format_no_updates", "String that is shown if no updates are " "available. If not set the module will be hidden if no updates " "are available."), ("format_working", "Format used while update queries are run. By " "default the same as ``format``."), ("format_summary", "Format for the summary line of notifications. By " "default the same as ``format``."), ("notification_icon", "Icon shown when reporting the list of updates. " "Default is ``software-update-available``, and can be " "None for no icon."), "color", "color_no_updates", "color_working", ("interval", "Default interval is set to one hour."), ) required = ("backends",) backends = None format = "Updates: {count}" format_no_updates = None format_working = None format_summary = None notification_icon = "software-update-available" color = "#00DD00" color_no_updates = None color_working = None on_leftclick = "run" on_rightclick = "report" def init(self): if not isinstance(self.backends, list): self.backends = [self.backends] if self.format_working is None: # we want to allow an empty format self.format_working = self.format if self.format_summary is None: # we want to allow an empty format self.format_summary = self.format self.color_working = self.color_working or self.color = { "count": 0 } self.notif_body = {} self.condition = threading.Condition() self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.update_thread, daemon=True) self.thread.start() def update_thread(self): self.check_updates() while True: with self.condition: self.condition.wait(self.interval) self.check_updates() @require(internet) def check_updates(self): for backend in self.backends: key = backend.__class__.__name__ if key not in[key] = "?" if key not in self.notif_body: self.notif_body[key] = "" self.output = { "full_text": formatp(self.format_working, **, "color": self.color_working, } updates_count = 0 for backend in self.backends: name = backend.__class__.__name__ updates, notif_body = backend.updates updates_count += updates[name] = updates self.notif_body[name] = notif_body or "" if updates_count == 0: self.output = {} if not self.format_no_updates else { "full_text": self.format_no_updates, "color": self.color_no_updates, } return["count"] = updates_count self.output = { "full_text": formatp(self.format, **, "color": self.color, } def run(self): with self.condition: self.condition.notify() def report(self): DesktopNotification( title=formatp(self.format_summary, **, body="\n".join(self.notif_body.values()), icon=self.notification_icon, urgency=1, timeout=0, ).display()