Source code for i3pystatus.spotify

import math
from i3pystatus import formatp
from i3pystatus import IntervalModule
from gi.repository import Playerctl

[docs]class Spotify(IntervalModule): """ Gets Spotify info using playerctl .. rubric:: Available formatters * `{status}` — current status icon (paused/playing) * `{length}` — total song duration (mm:ss format) * `{artist}` — artist * `{title}` — title * `{album}` — album """ settings = ( ('format', 'formatp string'), ('format_not_running', 'Text to show if cmus is not running'), ('color', 'The color of the text'), ('color_not_running', 'The color of the text, when cmus is not running'), ('status', 'Dictionary mapping status to output'), ) # default settings color = '#ffffff' color_not_running = '#ffffff' format = '{status} {length} {artist} - {title}' format_not_running = 'Not running' interval = 1 status = { 'paused': '▷', 'playing': '▶', } on_leftclick = 'playpause' on_rightclick = 'next_song' on_upscroll = 'next_song' on_downscroll = 'previous_song'
[docs] def get_info(self, player): """gets spotify track info from playerctl""" artist = player.get_artist() title = player.get_title() album = player.get_album() status = player.props.status # gets the length of spotify through the metadata command length = "" # stores the metadata and checks if it is valid metadata = player.props.metadata if metadata is not None: # math to convert the number stored in mpris:length to a human readable format time = dict(metadata)["mpris:length"] / 60.0e6 minutes = math.floor(time) seconds = round(time % 1 * 60) if seconds < 10: seconds = "0" + str(seconds) length = "{}:{}".format(minutes, seconds) # sets length to an empty string if it does not exist for whatever reason. This should usually not happen else: length = "" # returns a dictionary of all spotify data return {"artist": artist, "title": title, "album": album, "status": status, "length": length}
[docs] def run(self): """Main statement, executes all code every interval""" # tries to create player object and get data from player try: self.player = Playerctl.Player(player_name="spotify") response = self.get_info(self.player) # creates a dictionary of the spotify data captured fdict = { 'status': self.status[response['status'].lower()], 'title': response["title"], 'album': response.get('album', ''), 'artist': response.get('artist', ''), 'length': response.get('length', 0), } = fdict self.output = {"full_text": formatp(self.format, **fdict), "color": self.color} # outputs the not running string if spotify is closed except: self.output = {"full_text": self.format_not_running, "color": self.color_not_running} if hasattr(self, "data"): del
[docs] def playpause(self): """Pauses and plays spotify""" self.player.play_pause()
[docs] def next_song(self): """skips to the next song"""
[docs] def previous_song(self): """Plays the previous song""" self.player.previous()