Source code for

from i3pystatus.core.util import internet, require
from i3pystatus.scores import ScoresBackend

import copy
import pytz
import time
from datetime import datetime

API_URL = ''

[docs]class NBA(ScoresBackend): ''' Backend to retrieve NBA scores. For usage examples, see :py:mod:`here <.scores>`. .. rubric:: Available formatters * `{home_name}` — Name of home team * `{home_city}` — Name of home team's city * `{home_abbrev}` — 3-letter abbreviation for home team's city * `{home_score}` — Home team's current score * `{home_wins}` — Home team's number of wins * `{home_losses}` — Home team's number of losses * `{home_seed}` — During the playoffs, shows the home team's playoff seed. When not in the playoffs, this formatter will be blank. * `{home_favorite}` — Displays the value for the :py:mod:`.scores` module's ``favorite`` attribute, if the home team is one of the teams being followed. Otherwise, this formatter will be blank. * `{away_name}` — Name of away team * `{away_city}` — Name of away team's city * `{away_abbrev}` — 2 or 3-letter abbreviation for away team's city * `{away_score}` — Away team's current score * `{away_wins}` — Away team's number of wins * `{away_losses}` — Away team's number of losses * `{away_seed}` — During the playoffs, shows the away team's playoff seed. When not in the playoffs, this formatter will be blank. * `{away_favorite}` — Displays the value for the :py:mod:`.scores` module's ``favorite`` attribute, if the away team is one of the teams being followed. Otherwise, this formatter will be blank. * `{time_remaining}` — Time remaining in the current quarter/OT period * `{quarter}` — Number of the current quarter * `{venue}` — Name of arena where game is being played * `{start_time}` — Start time of game in system's localtime (supports strftime formatting, e.g. `{start_time:%I:%M %p}`) * `{overtime}` — If the game ended in overtime, this formatter will show ``OT``. If the game ended in regulation, or has not yet completed, this formatter will be blank. .. rubric:: Team abbreviations * **ATL** — Atlanta Hawks * **BKN** — Brooklyn Nets * **BOS** — Boston Celtics * **CHA** — Charlotte Hornets * **CHI** — Chicago Bulls * **CLE** — Cleveland Cavaliers * **DAL** — Dallas Mavericks * **DEN** — Denver Nuggets * **DET** — Detroit Pistons * **GSW** — Golden State Warriors * **HOU** — Houston Rockets * **IND** — Indiana Pacers * **MIA** — Miami Heat * **MEM** — Memphis Grizzlies * **MIL** — Milwaukee Bucks * **LAC** — Los Angeles Clippers * **LAL** — Los Angeles Lakers * **MIN** — Minnesota Timberwolves * **NOP** — New Orleans Pelicans * **NYK** — New York Knicks * **OKC** — Oklahoma City Thunder * **ORL** — Orlando Magic * **PHI** — Philadelphia 76ers * **PHX** — Phoenix Suns * **POR** — Portland Trailblazers * **SAC** — Sacramento Kings * **SAS** — San Antonio Spurs * **TOR** — Toronto Raptors * **UTA** — Utah Jazz * **WAS** — Washington Wizards ''' interval = 300 settings = ( ('favorite_teams', 'List of abbreviations of favorite teams. Games ' 'for these teams will appear first in the scroll ' 'list. A detailed description of how games are ' 'ordered can be found ' ':ref:`here <scores-game-order>`.'), ('all_games', 'If set to ``True``, all games will be present in ' 'the scroll list. If set to ``False``, then only ' 'games from **favorite_teams** will be present in ' 'the scroll list.'), ('display_order', 'When **all_games** is set to ``True``, this ' 'option will dictate the order in which games from ' 'teams not in **favorite_teams** are displayed'), ('format_no_games', 'Format used when no tracked games are scheduled ' 'for the current day (does not support formatter ' 'placeholders)'), ('format_pregame', 'Format used when the game has not yet started'), ('format_in_progress', 'Format used when the game is in progress'), ('format_final', 'Format used when the game is complete'), ('team_colors', 'Dictionary mapping team abbreviations to hex color ' 'codes. If overridden, the passed values will be ' 'merged with the defaults, so it is not necessary to ' 'define all teams if specifying this value.'), ('date', 'Date for which to display game scores, in **YYYY-MM-DD** ' 'format. If unspecified, the current day\'s games will be ' 'displayed starting at 10am Eastern time, with last ' 'evening\'s scores being shown before then. This option ' 'exists primarily for troubleshooting purposes.'), ('live_url', 'URL string to launch NBA Game Tracker. This value ' 'should not need to be changed.'), ('scoreboard_url', 'Link to the scoreboard page. Like ' '**live_url**, this value should not need to be ' 'changed.'), ('api_url', 'Alternate URL string from which to retrieve score data. ' 'Like, **live_url**, this value should not need to be ' 'changed.'), ('standings_url', 'Alternate URL string from which to retrieve team ' 'standings. Like **live_url**, this value should ' 'not need to be changed.'), ) required = () _default_colors = { 'ATL': '#E2383F', 'BKN': '#DADADA', 'BOS': '#178D58', 'CHA': '#00798D', 'CHI': '#CD1041', 'CLE': '#FDBA31', 'DAL': '#006BB7', 'DEN': '#5593C3', 'DET': '#207EC0', 'GSW': '#DEB934', 'HOU': '#CD1042', 'IND': '#FFBB33', 'MIA': '#A72249', 'MEM': '#628BBC', 'MIL': '#4C7B4B', 'LAC': '#ED174C', 'LAL': '#FDB827', 'MIN': '#35749F', 'NOP': '#A78F59', 'NYK': '#F68428', 'OKC': '#F05033', 'ORL': '#1980CB', 'PHI': '#006BB7', 'PHX': '#E76120', 'POR': '#B03037', 'SAC': '#7A58A1', 'SAS': '#DADADA', 'TOR': '#CD112C', 'UTA': '#4B7059', 'WAS': '#E51735', } _valid_teams = [x for x in _default_colors] _valid_display_order = ['in_progress', 'final', 'pregame'] display_order = _valid_display_order format_no_games = 'NBA: No games' format_pregame = '[{scroll} ]NBA: [{away_favorite} ][{away_seed} ]{away_abbrev} ({away_wins}-{away_losses}) at [{home_favorite} ][{home_seed} ]{home_abbrev} ({home_wins}-{home_losses}) {start_time:%H:%M %Z}' format_in_progress = '[{scroll} ]NBA: [{away_favorite} ]{away_abbrev} {away_score}[ ({away_power_play})], [{home_favorite} ]{home_abbrev} {home_score}[ ({home_power_play})] ({time_remaining} {quarter})' format_final = '[{scroll} ]NBA: [{away_favorite} ]{away_abbrev} {away_score} ({away_wins}-{away_losses}) at [{home_favorite} ]{home_abbrev} {home_score} ({home_wins}-{home_losses}) (Final[/{overtime}])' team_colors = _default_colors live_url = LIVE_URL scoreboard_url = SCOREBOARD_URL api_url = API_URL standings_url = STANDINGS_URL def check_scores(self): self.get_api_date() url = self.api_url % (,, response = self.api_request(url) game_list = self.get_nested(response, 'sports_content:games:game', default=[]) standings_year = self.get_nested( response, 'sports_content:sports_meta:season_meta:standings_season_year',, ) stats_list = self.get_nested( self.api_request(self.standings_url % standings_year), 'sports_content:standings:team', default=[], ) team_stats = {} for item in stats_list: try: key = item.pop('abbreviation') except KeyError: self.logger.debug('Error occurred obtaining team stats', exc_info=True) continue team_stats[key] = item.get('team_stats', {}) self.logger.debug('%s team stats: %s', self.__class__.__name__, team_stats) # Convert list of games to dictionary for easy reference later on data = {} team_game_map = {} for game in game_list: try: id_ = game['game_url'] except KeyError: continue try: for key in ('home', 'visitor'): team = game[key]['abbreviation'].upper() if team in self.favorite_teams: team_game_map.setdefault(team, []).append(id_) except KeyError: continue data[id_] = game # Merge in the team stats, because they are not returned in the # initial API request. for key in ('home', 'visitor'): team = data[id_][key]['abbreviation'].upper() data[id_][key].update(team_stats.get(team, {})) self.interpret_api_return(data, team_game_map) def process_game(self, game): ret = {} def _update(ret_key, game_key=None, callback=None, default='?'): ret[ret_key] = self.get_nested(game, game_key or ret_key, callback=callback, default=default) self.logger.debug('Processing %s game data: %s', self.__class__.__name__, game) _update('id', 'game_url') ret['live_url'] = self.live_url % ret['id'] status_map = { '1': 'pregame', '2': 'in_progress', '3': 'final', } period_data = game.get('period_time', {}) status_code = period_data.get('game_status', '1') status = status_map.get(status_code) if status is None: self.logger.debug('Unknown %s game status code \'%s\'', self.__class__.__name__, status_code) status_code = '1' ret['status'] = status_map[status_code] if ret['status'] in ('in_progress', 'final'): period_number = int(period_data.get('period_value', 1)) total_periods = int(period_data.get('total_periods', 0)) period_diff = period_number - total_periods ret['quarter'] = 'OT' \ if period_diff == 1 \ else '%dOT' if period_diff > 1 \ else self.add_ordinal(period_number) else: ret['quarter'] = '' ret['time_remaining'] = period_data.get('game_clock') if ret['time_remaining'] == '': ret['time_remaining'] = 'End' elif ret['time_remaining'] is None: ret['time_remaining'] = '' ret['overtime'] = ret['quarter'] if 'OT' in ret['quarter'] else '' _update('venue', 'arena') for ret_key, game_key in (('home', 'home'), ('away', 'visitor')): _update('%s_score' % ret_key, '%s:score' % game_key, callback=self.force_int, default=0) _update('%s_city' % ret_key, '%s:city' % game_key) _update('%s_name' % ret_key, '%s:nickname' % game_key) _update('%s_abbrev' % ret_key, '%s:abbreviation' % game_key) if 'playoffs' in game: _update('%s_wins' % ret_key, 'playoffs:%s_wins' % game_key, callback=self.force_int, default=0) _update('%s_seed' % ret_key, 'playoffs:%s_seed' % game_key, callback=self.force_int, default=0) else: _update('%s_wins' % ret_key, '%s:wins' % game_key, callback=self.force_int, default=0) _update('%s_losses' % ret_key, '%s:losses' % game_key, callback=self.force_int, default=0) ret['%s_seed' % ret_key] = '' if 'playoffs' in game: ret['home_losses'] = ret['away_wins'] ret['away_losses'] = ret['home_wins'] # From API data, date is YYYYMMDD, time is HHMM game_time_str = '%s%s' % (game.get('date', ''), game.get('time', '')) try: game_time = datetime.strptime(game_time_str, '%Y%m%d%H%M') except ValueError as exc: # Log when the date retrieved from the API return doesn't match the # expected format (to help troubleshoot API changes), and set an # actual datetime so format strings work as expected. The times # will all be wrong, but the logging here will help us make the # necessary changes to adapt to any API changes. self.logger.error( 'Error encountered determining game time for %s game %s:', self.__class__.__name__, game['id'], exc_info=True ) game_time = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) eastern = pytz.timezone('US/Eastern') ret['start_time'] = eastern.localize(game_time).astimezone() self.logger.debug('Returned %s formatter data: %s', self.__class__.__name__, ret) return ret