Source code for i3pystatus.pomodoro

import subprocess
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from i3pystatus import IntervalModule


[docs]class Pomodoro(IntervalModule): """ This plugin shows Pomodoro timer. Left click starts/restarts timer. Right click stops it. """ settings = ( ('sound', 'Path to sound file to play as alarm. Played by "aplay" utility'), ('pomodoro_duration', 'Working (pomodoro) interval duration in seconds'), ('break_duration', 'Short break duration in seconds'), ('long_break_duration', 'Long break duration in seconds'), ('short_break_count', 'Short break count before first long break'), ('format', 'format string, available formatters: current_pomodoro, ' 'total_pomodoro, time') ) required = ('sound',) color_stopped = '#2ECCFA' color_running = '#FFFF00' color_break = '#37FF00' interval = 1 short_break_count = 3 format = '☯ {current_pomodoro}/{total_pomodoro} {time}' pomodoro_duration = 25 * 60 break_duration = 5 * 60 long_break_duration = 15 * 60 on_rightclick = "stop" on_leftclick = "start" def init(self): # state could be either running/break or stopped self.state = STOPPED self.current_pomodoro = 0 self.total_pomodoro = self.short_break_count + 1 # and 1 long break self.time = None def run(self): if self.time and datetime.utcnow() >= self.time: if self.state == RUNNING: self.state = BREAK if self.current_pomodoro == self.short_break_count: self.time = datetime.utcnow() + \ timedelta(seconds=self.long_break_duration) else: self.time = datetime.utcnow() + \ timedelta(seconds=self.break_duration) text = 'Go for a break!' else: self.state = RUNNING self.time = datetime.utcnow() + \ timedelta(seconds=self.pomodoro_duration) text = 'Back to work!' self.current_pomodoro = (self.current_pomodoro + 1) % self.total_pomodoro self._alarm(text) if self.state == RUNNING or self.state == BREAK: min, sec = divmod((self.time - datetime.utcnow()).total_seconds(), 60) text = '{:02}:{:02}'.format(int(min), int(sec)) sdict = { 'time': text, 'current_pomodoro': self.current_pomodoro + 1, 'total_pomodoro': self.total_pomodoro } color = self.color_running if self.state == RUNNING else self.color_break text = self.format.format(**sdict) else: text = 'Start pomodoro', color = self.color_stopped self.output = { 'full_text': text, 'color': color } def start(self): self.state = RUNNING self.time = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=self.pomodoro_duration) self.current_pomodoro = 0 def stop(self): self.state = STOPPED self.time = None def _alarm(self, text):['notify-send', 'Alarm!', text]) subprocess.Popen(['aplay', self.sound, '-q'], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)