Source code for

import netifaces

from i3pystatus import IntervalModule, formatp
from i3pystatus.core.color import ColorRangeModule
from i3pystatus.core.util import make_graph, round_dict, make_bar

def count_bits(integer):
    bits = 0
    while integer:
        integer &= integer - 1
        bits += 1
    return bits

def cidr6(addr, bits):
    return "{addr}/{bits}".format(addr=addr, bits=bits)

def v4_to_int(v4):
    sum = 0
    mul = 1
    for part in reversed(v4.split(".")):
        sum += int(part) * mul
        mul *= 2 ** 8
    return sum

def prefix4(mask):
    return count_bits(v4_to_int(mask))

def cidr4(addr, mask):
    return "{addr}/{bits}".format(addr=addr, bits=prefix4(mask))

def get_bonded_slaves():
        with open("/sys/class/net/bonding_masters") as f:
            masters =
    except FileNotFoundError:
        return {}
    slaves = {}
    for master in masters:
        with open("/sys/class/net/{}/bonding/slaves".format(master)) as f:
            for slave in
                slaves[slave] = master
    return slaves

def sysfs_interface_up(interface, unknown_up=False):
        with open("/sys/class/net/{}/operstate".format(interface)) as f:
            status =
    except FileNotFoundError:
        # Interface doesn't exist
        return False

    return status == "up" or unknown_up and status == "unknown"

class NetworkInfo:
    Retrieve network information.

    def __init__(self, interface, ignore_interfaces, detached_down, unknown_up, get_wifi_info=False):
        if interface not in netifaces.interfaces() and not detached_down:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Unknown interface {iface}!".format(iface=interface))

        self.ignore_interfaces = ignore_interfaces
        self.detached_down = detached_down
        self.unknown_up = unknown_up
        self.get_wifi_info = get_wifi_info

    def get_info(self, interface):
        format_dict = dict(v4="", v4mask="", v4cidr="", v6="", v6mask="", v6cidr="")
        iface_up = sysfs_interface_up(interface, self.unknown_up)
        if not iface_up:
            return format_dict

        network_info = netifaces.ifaddresses(interface)
        slaves = get_bonded_slaves()
            master = slaves[interface]
        except KeyError:
            if sysfs_interface_up(interface, self.unknown_up):
                master_info = netifaces.ifaddresses(master)
                for af in (netifaces.AF_INET, netifaces.AF_INET6):
                        network_info[af] = master_info[af]
                    except KeyError:

            mac = network_info[netifaces.AF_PACKET][0]["addr"]
        except KeyError:
            mac = "NONE"
        format_dict['mac'] = mac

        if iface_up:

        return format_dict

    def extract_network_info(network_info):
        info = dict()
        if netifaces.AF_INET in network_info:
            v4 = network_info[netifaces.AF_INET][0]
            info["v4"] = v4["addr"]
            info["v4mask"] = v4["netmask"]
            info["v4cidr"] = cidr4(v4["addr"], v4["netmask"])
        if netifaces.AF_INET6 in network_info:
            for v6 in network_info[netifaces.AF_INET6]:
                info["v6"] = v6["addr"]
                mask, bits = v6["netmask"].split("/")
                info["v6mask"] = mask
                info["v6cidr"] = cidr6(v6["addr"], bits)
                if not v6["addr"].startswith("fe80::"):  # prefer non link-local addresses
        return info

    def extract_wireless_info(self, interface):
        info = dict(essid="", freq="", quality=0.0, quality_bar="")

        # Just return empty values if we're not using any Wifi functionality
        if not self.get_wifi_info:
            return info

        import basiciw

            iwi = basiciw.iwinfo(interface)
        except Exception:
            # Not a wireless interface
            return info

        info["essid"] = iwi["essid"]
        info["freq"] = iwi["freq"]
        quality = iwi["quality"]
        if quality["quality_max"] > 0:
            info["quality"] = quality["quality"] / quality["quality_max"]
            info["quality"] = quality["quality"]
        info["quality"] *= 100
        info["quality_bar"] = make_bar(info["quality"])
        info["quality"] = round(info["quality"])

        return info

class NetworkTraffic:
    Retrieve network traffic information

    pnic = None
    pnic_before = None

    def __init__(self, unknown_up, divisor, round_size):
        self.unknown_up = unknown_up
        self.divisor = divisor
        self.round_size = round_size

    def update_counters(self, interface):
        import psutil

        self.pnic_before = self.pnic
        counters = psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True)
        self.pnic = counters[interface] if interface in counters else None

    def clear_counters(self):
        self.pnic_before = None
        self.pnic = None

    def get_bytes_sent(self):
        return (self.pnic.bytes_sent - self.pnic_before.bytes_sent) / self.divisor

    def get_bytes_received(self):
        return (self.pnic.bytes_recv - self.pnic_before.bytes_recv) / self.divisor

    def get_packets_sent(self):
        return self.pnic.packets_sent - self.pnic_before.packets_sent

    def get_packets_received(self):
        return self.pnic.packets_recv - self.pnic_before.packets_recv

    def get_rx_tot_Mbytes(self, interface):
            with open("/sys/class/net/{}/statistics/rx_bytes".format(interface)) as f:
                return int(f.readline().split('\n')[0]) / (1024 * 1024)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            return False

    def get_tx_tot_Mbytes(self, interface):
            with open("/sys/class/net/{}/statistics/tx_bytes".format(interface)) as f:
                return int(f.readline().split('\n')[0]) / (1024 * 1024)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            return False

    def get_usage(self, interface):
        usage = dict(bytes_sent=0, bytes_recv=0, packets_sent=0, packets_recv=0)

        if not sysfs_interface_up(interface, self.unknown_up) or not self.pnic_before:
            return usage
            usage["bytes_sent"] = self.get_bytes_sent()
            usage["bytes_recv"] = self.get_bytes_received()
            usage["packets_sent"] = self.get_packets_sent()
            usage["packets_recv"] = self.get_packets_received()
            usage["rx_tot_Mbytes"] = self.get_rx_tot_Mbytes(interface)
            usage["tx_tot_Mbytes"] = self.get_tx_tot_Mbytes(interface)
            round_dict(usage, self.round_size)
        return usage

[docs]class Network(IntervalModule, ColorRangeModule): """ Displays network information for an interface. formatp support if u wanna display recv/send speed separate in dynamic color mode, please enable pango hint. Requires the PyPI packages `colour`, `netifaces`, `psutil` (optional, see below) and `basiciw` (optional, see below). .. rubric:: Available formatters Network Information Formatters: * `{interface}` — same as setting * `{v4}` — IPv4 address * `{v4mask}` — subnet mask * `{v4cidr}` — IPv4 address in cidr notation (i.e. * `{v6}` — IPv6 address * `{v6mask}` — subnet mask * `{v6cidr}` — IPv6 address in cidr notation * `{mac}` — MAC of interface Wireless Information Formatters (requires PyPI package `basiciw`): * `{essid}` — ESSID of currently connected wifi * `{freq}` — Current frequency * `{quality}` — Link quality in percent * `{quality_bar}` —Bar graphically representing link quality Network Traffic Formatters (requires PyPI package `psutil`): * `{interface}` — the configured network interface * `{kbs}` – Float representing KiB\s corresponds to graph type * `{network_graph}` – Unicode graph representing network usage * `{bytes_sent}` — bytes sent per second (divided by divisor) * `{bytes_recv}` — bytes received per second (divided by divisor) * `{packets_sent}` — bytes sent per second (divided by divisor) * `{packets_recv}` — bytes received per second (divided by divisor) * `{rx_tot_Mbytes}` — total Mbytes received * `{tx_tot_Mbytes}` — total Mbytes sent """ settings = ( ("format_up", "format string"), ("format_down", "format string"), "color_up", "color_down", ("interface", "Interface to watch, eg 'eth0'"), ("dynamic_color", "Set color dynamically based on network traffic. Note: this overrides color_up"), ("start_color", "Hex or English name for start of color range, eg '#00FF00' or 'green'"), ("end_color", "Hex or English name for end of color range, eg '#FF0000' or 'red'"), ("graph_width", "Width of the network traffic graph"), ("graph_style", "Graph style ('blocks', 'braille-fill', 'braille-peak', or 'braille-snake')"), ("recv_limit", "Expected max KiB/s. This value controls the drawing color of receive speed"), ("sent_limit", "Expected max KiB/s. similar with receive_limit"), ("separate_color", "display recv/send color separate in dynamic color mode." "Note: only network speed formatters will display with range color "), ("graph_type", "Whether to draw the network traffic graph for input or output. " "Allowed values 'input' or 'output'"), ("divisor", "divide all byte values by this value"), ("ignore_interfaces", "Array of interfaces to ignore when cycling through " "on click, eg, ['lo']"), ("round_size", "defines number of digits in round"), ("detached_down", "If the interface doesn't exist, display it as if it were down"), ("unknown_up", "If the interface is in unknown state, display it as if it were up"), ) interval = 1 interface = 'eth0' format_up = "{interface} {network_graph}{kbs}KB/s" format_down = "{interface}: DOWN" color_up = "#00FF00" color_down = "#FF0000" dynamic_color = True graph_type = 'input' graph_width = 15 graph_style = 'blocks' recv_limit = 2048 sent_limit = 1024 separate_color = False # Network traffic settings divisor = 1024 round_size = None # Network info settings detached_down = True unknown_up = False ignore_interfaces = ["lo"] on_leftclick = "nm-connection-editor" on_rightclick = "cycle_interface" on_upscroll = ['cycle_interface', 1] on_downscroll = ['cycle_interface', -1] def init(self): # Don't require importing basiciw unless using the functionality it offers. if any(s in self.format_down or s in self.format_up for s in ['essid', 'freq', 'quality', 'quality_bar']): get_wifi_info = True else: get_wifi_info = False self.network_info = NetworkInfo(self.interface, self.ignore_interfaces, self.detached_down, self.unknown_up, get_wifi_info) # Don't require importing psutil unless using the functionality it offers. if any(s in self.format_up or s in self.format_down for s in ['bytes_sent', 'bytes_recv', 'packets_sent', 'packets_recv', 'network_graph', 'rx_tot_Mbytes', 'tx_tot_Mbytes', 'kbs']): self.network_traffic = NetworkTraffic(self.unknown_up, self.divisor, self.round_size) else: self.network_traffic = None if not self.dynamic_color: self.end_color = self.start_color = self.color_up self.colors = self.get_hex_color_range(self.start_color, self.end_color, 100) self.kbs_arr = [0.0] * self.graph_width self.pango_enabled = self.hints.get("markup", False) and self.hints["markup"] == "pango"
[docs] def cycle_interface(self, increment=1): """Cycle through available interfaces in `increment` steps. Sign indicates direction.""" interfaces = [i for i in netifaces.interfaces() if i not in self.ignore_interfaces] if self.interface in interfaces: next_index = (interfaces.index(self.interface) + increment) % len(interfaces) self.interface = interfaces[next_index] elif len(interfaces) > 0: self.interface = interfaces[0] if self.network_traffic: self.network_traffic.clear_counters() self.kbs_arr = [0.0] * self.graph_width
def get_network_graph(self, kbs, limit): # Cycle array by inserting at the start and chopping off the last element self.kbs_arr.insert(0, kbs) self.kbs_arr = self.kbs_arr[:self.graph_width] return make_graph(self.kbs_arr, 0.0, limit, self.graph_style) def run(self): format_values = dict(kbs="", network_graph="", bytes_sent="", bytes_recv="", packets_sent="", packets_recv="", rx_tot_Mbytes="", tx_tot_Mbytes="", interface="", v4="", v4mask="", v4cidr="", v6="", v6mask="", v6cidr="", mac="", essid="", freq="", quality="", quality_bar="") if self.network_traffic: network_usage = self.network_traffic.get_usage(self.interface) format_values.update(network_usage) if self.graph_type == 'input': limit = self.recv_limit kbs = network_usage['bytes_recv'] * self.divisor / 1024 elif self.graph_type == 'output': limit = self.sent_limit kbs = network_usage['bytes_sent'] * self.divisor / 1024 else: raise Exception("graph_type must be either 'input' or 'output'!") format_values['network_graph'] = self.get_network_graph(kbs, limit) format_values['kbs'] = "{0:.1f}".format(round(kbs, 2)) if self.separate_color and self.pango_enabled: color = self.color_up color_template = "<span color=\"{}\">{}</span>" per_recv = network_usage["bytes_recv"] * self.divisor / (self.recv_limit * 1024) per_sent = network_usage["bytes_sent"] * self.divisor / (self.sent_limit * 1024) c_recv = self.get_gradient(int(per_recv * 100), self.colors, 100) c_sent = self.get_gradient(int(per_sent * 100), self.colors, 100) format_values["bytes_recv"] = color_template.format(c_recv, network_usage["bytes_recv"]) format_values["bytes_sent"] = color_template.format(c_sent, network_usage["bytes_sent"]) if self.graph_type == 'output': c_kbs = c_sent else: c_kbs = c_recv format_values['network_graph'] = color_template.format(c_kbs, format_values["network_graph"]) format_values['kbs'] = color_template.format(c_kbs, format_values["kbs"]) else: percent = int(kbs * 100 / limit) color = self.get_gradient(percent, self.colors, 100) else: color = None if sysfs_interface_up(self.interface, self.unknown_up): if not color: color = self.color_up format_str = self.format_up else: color = self.color_down format_str = self.format_down network_info = self.network_info.get_info(self.interface) format_values.update(network_info) format_values['interface'] = self.interface = format_values self.output = { "full_text": formatp(format_str, **format_values).strip(), 'color': color, }