Source code for i3pystatus.net_speed

from i3pystatus import IntervalModule
import speedtest_cli
import requests
import time
import os
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import contextlib
import sys
from io import StringIO

[docs]class NetSpeed(IntervalModule): """ Attempts to provide an estimation of internet speeds. Requires: speedtest_cli """ settings = ( ("url", "Target URL to download a file from. Uses speedtest_cli to " "find the 'best' server if none is supplied."), ("units", "Valid values are B, b, bytes, or bits"), "format" ) color = "#FFFFFF" interval = 300 url = None units = 'bits' format = "{speed} ({hosting_provider})" def run(self): # since speedtest_cli likes to print crap, we need to squelch it @contextlib.contextmanager def nostdout(): save_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() yield sys.stdout = save_stdout if not self.url: with nostdout(): try: config = speedtest_cli.getConfig() servers = speedtest_cli.closestServers(config['client']) best = speedtest_cli.getBestServer(servers) # 1500x1500 is about 4.3MB, which seems like a reasonable place to # start, i guess... url = '%s/random1500x1500.jpg' % os.path.dirname(best['url']) except KeyError: url = None if not url: cdict = { "speed": 0, "hosting_provider": 'null', } else: with open('/dev/null', 'wb') as devnull: start = time.time() req = requests.get(url, stream=True) devnull.write(req.content) end = time.time() total_length = int(req.headers.get('content-length')) devnull.close() # chop off the float after the 4th decimal point # note: not rounding, simply cutting # note: dl_time is in seconds dl_time = float(end - start) if self.units == 'bits' or self.units == 'b': unit = 'bps' kilo = 1000 mega = 1000000 giga = 1000000000 factor = 8 elif self.units == 'bytes' or self.units == 'B': unit = 'Bps' kilo = 8000 mega = 8000000 giga = 8000000000 factor = 1 if total_length < kilo: bps = float(total_length / dl_time) if total_length >= kilo and total_length < mega: unit = "K" + unit bps = float((total_length / 1024.0) / dl_time) if total_length >= mega and total_length < giga: unit = "M" + unit bps = float((total_length / (1024.0 * 1024.0)) / dl_time) if total_length >= giga: unit = "G" + unit bps = float((total_length / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0)) / dl_time) bps = "%.2f" % (bps * factor) speed = "%s %s" % (bps, unit) hosting_provider = '.'.join(urlparse(url).hostname.split('.')[-2:]) cdict = { "speed": speed, "hosting_provider": hosting_provider, } self.output = { "full_text": self.format.format(**cdict), "color": self.color }