Source code for i3pystatus.github

import json

import requests
from i3pystatus import IntervalModule
from i3pystatus import logger
from i3pystatus.core import ConfigError
from i3pystatus.core.util import user_open, internet, require
from requests import Timeout, ConnectionError

[docs]class Github(IntervalModule): """ Check GitHub for pending notifications. Requires `requests` Availables authentication methods: * username + password * access_token (manually generate a new token at See for more informations. Formatters: * `{unread}` — contains the value of unread_marker when there are pending notifications * `{unread_count}` — number of unread notifications, empty if 0 """ max_error_len = 50 unread_marker = "●" unread = '' color = '#78EAF2' username = '' password = '' access_token = '' format = '{unread}' interval = 600 keyring_backend = None on_leftclick = 'open_github' settings = ( ('format', 'format string'), ('keyring_backend', 'alternative keyring backend for retrieving credentials'), ('unread_marker', 'sets the string that the "unread" formatter shows when there are pending notifications'), ("username", ""), ("password", ""), ("access_token", "see"), ("color", "") ) def open_github(self): user_open('' + self.username) @require(internet) def run(self): try: if self.access_token: response = requests.get('' + self.access_token) else: response = requests.get('', auth=(self.username, self.password)) data = json.loads(response.text) except (ConnectionError, Timeout) as e: logger.warn(e) data = [] # Bad credentials if isinstance(data, dict): err_msg = data['message'] raise ConfigError(err_msg) format_values = dict(unread_count='', unread='') unread = len(data) if unread > 0: format_values['unread_count'] = unread format_values['unread'] = self.unread_marker = format_values self.output = { 'full_text': self.format.format(**format_values), 'color': self.color }