Source code for i3pystatus.clock

import os
import locale
from datetime import datetime

from i3pystatus import IntervalModule

[docs]class Clock(IntervalModule): """ This class shows a clock. .. note:: Optionally requires `pytz` for time zone data when using time zones other than local time. Format can be passed in four different ways: - single string, no timezone, just the strftime-format - one two-tuple, first is the format, second the timezone - list of strings - no timezones - list of two tuples, first is the format, second is timezone Use mousewheel to cycle between formats. For complete time format specification see: :: man strftime All available timezones are located in directory: :: /usr/share/zoneinfo/ .. rubric:: Format examples :: # one format, local timezone format = '%a %b %-d %b %X' # multiple formats, local timezone format = [ '%a %b %-d %b %X', '%X' ] # one format, specified timezone format = ('%a %b %-d %b %X', 'Europe/Bratislava') # multiple formats, specified timezones format = [ ('%a %b %-d %b %X', 'America/New_York'), ('%X', 'Etc/GMT+9') ] """ settings = ( ("format", "`None` means to use the default, locale-dependent format."), ("color", "RGB hexadecimal code color specifier, default to #ffffff"), ) format = None color = "#ffffff" interval = 1 on_upscroll = ["scroll_format", 1] on_downscroll = ["scroll_format", -1] def init(self): env_lang = os.environ.get('LC_TIME', None) if env_lang is None: env_lang = os.environ.get('LANG', None) if env_lang is not None: if env_lang.find('.') != -1: lang = tuple(env_lang.split('.', 1)) else: lang = (env_lang, None) else: lang = (None, None) if lang != locale.getlocale(locale.LC_TIME): # affects language of *.strftime() in whole program locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, lang) if self.format is None: if lang[0] == 'en_US': # MDY format - United States of America self.format = ["%a %b %-d %X"] else: # DMY format - almost all other countries self.format = ["%a %-d %b %X"] elif isinstance(self.format, str) or isinstance(self.format, tuple): self.format = [self.format] self.format = [self._expand_format(fmt) for fmt in self.format] self.current_format_id = 0 @staticmethod def _expand_format(fmt): if isinstance(fmt, tuple): if len(fmt) == 1: return (fmt[0], None) else: try: from pytz import timezone except ImportError as e: raise RuntimeError("Need `pytz` for timezone data") from e return (fmt[0], timezone(fmt[1])) return (fmt, None) def run(self): time =[self.current_format_id][1]) self.output = { "full_text": time.strftime(self.format[self.current_format_id][0]), "color": self.color, "urgent": False, } def scroll_format(self, step=1): self.current_format_id = (self.current_format_id + step) % len(self.format)