Source code for i3pystatus.battery

import os
import re
import configparser

from i3pystatus import IntervalModule, formatp
from i3pystatus.core.util import lchop, TimeWrapper, make_bar
from i3pystatus.core.desktop import DesktopNotification
from i3pystatus.core.command import run_through_shell

class UEventParser(configparser.ConfigParser):
    def parse_file(file):
        parser = UEventParser()
        with open(file, "r") as file:
        return dict(parser.items("id10t"))

    def __init__(self):

    def optionxform(self, key):
        return lchop(key, "POWER_SUPPLY_")

    def read_string(self, string):
        super().read_string("[id10t]\n" + string)

class Battery:
    def create(from_file):
        battery_info = UEventParser.parse_file(from_file)
        if "POWER_NOW" in battery_info:
            return BatteryEnergy(battery_info)
            return BatteryCharge(battery_info)

    def __init__(self, battery_info):
        self.battery_info = battery_info

    def normalize_micro(self):
        for key, micro_value in self.battery_info.items():
            if re.match(r"(VOLTAGE|CHARGE|CURRENT|POWER|ENERGY)_(NOW|FULL|MIN)(_DESIGN)?", key):
                self.battery_info[key] = float(micro_value) / 1000000.0

    def percentage(self, design=False):
        return self._percentage("_DESIGN" if design else "") * 100

    def status(self):
        if self.consumption() is None:
            return self.battery_info["STATUS"]
        elif self.consumption() > 0.1 and self.percentage() < 99.9:
            return "Discharging" if self.battery_info["STATUS"] == "Discharging" else "Charging"
        elif self.consumption() == 0 and self.percentage() == 0.00:
            return "Depleted"
            return "Full"

    def consumption(self, val):
        return val if val > 0.1 else 0

class BatteryCharge(Battery):
    def __init__(self, bi):
        bi["CHARGE_FULL"] = bi["CHARGE_FULL_DESIGN"] if bi["CHARGE_NOW"] > bi["CHARGE_FULL"] else bi["CHARGE_FULL"]

    def consumption(self):
        if "VOLTAGE_NOW" in self.battery_info and "CURRENT_NOW" in self.battery_info:
            return super().consumption(self.battery_info["VOLTAGE_NOW"] * self.battery_info["CURRENT_NOW"])  # V * A = W
            return None

    def _percentage(self, design):
        return self.battery_info["CHARGE_NOW"] / self.battery_info["CHARGE_FULL" + design]

    def wh_remaining(self):
        return self.battery_info['CHARGE_NOW'] * self.battery_info['VOLTAGE_NOW']

    def wh_depleted(self):
        return (self.battery_info['CHARGE_FULL'] - self.battery_info['CHARGE_NOW']) * self.battery_info['VOLTAGE_NOW']

    def remaining(self):
        if self.status() == "Discharging":
            if "CHARGE_NOW" in self.battery_info and "CURRENT_NOW" in self.battery_info:
                # Ah / A = h * 60 min = min
                return self.battery_info["CHARGE_NOW"] / self.battery_info["CURRENT_NOW"] * 60
                return -1
            return (self.battery_info["CHARGE_FULL"] - self.battery_info["CHARGE_NOW"]) / self.battery_info[
                "CURRENT_NOW"] * 60

class BatteryEnergy(Battery):
    def consumption(self):
        return super().consumption(self.battery_info["POWER_NOW"])

    def _percentage(self, design):
        return self.battery_info["ENERGY_NOW"] / self.battery_info["ENERGY_FULL" + design]

    def wh_remaining(self):
        return self.battery_info['ENERGY_NOW']

    def wh_depleted(self):
        return self.battery_info['ENERGY_FULL'] - self.battery_info['ENERGY_NOW']

    def remaining(self):
        if self.status() == "Discharging":
            # Wh / W = h * 60 min = min
            return self.battery_info["ENERGY_NOW"] / self.battery_info["POWER_NOW"] * 60
            return (self.battery_info["ENERGY_FULL"] - self.battery_info["ENERGY_NOW"]) / self.battery_info[
                "POWER_NOW"] * 60

[docs]class BatteryChecker(IntervalModule): """ This class uses the /sys/class/power_supply/…/uevent interface to check for the battery status. Setting ``battery_ident`` to ``ALL`` will summarise all available batteries and aggregate the % as well as the time remaining on the charge. This is helpful when the machine has more than one battery available. .. rubric:: Available formatters * `{remaining}` — remaining time for charging or discharging, uses TimeWrapper formatting, default format is `%E%h:%M` * `{percentage}` — battery percentage relative to the last full value * `{percentage_design}` — absolute battery charge percentage * `{consumption (Watts)}` — current power flowing into/out of the battery * `{status}` * `{no_of_batteries}` — The number of batteries included * `{battery_ident}` — the same as the setting * `{bar}` —bar displaying the relative percentage graphically * `{bar_design}` —bar displaying the absolute percentage graphically This module supports the :ref:`formatp <formatp>` extended string format syntax. By setting the ``FULL`` status to an empty string, and including brackets around the ``{status}`` formatter, the text within the brackets will be hidden when the battery is full, as can be seen in the below example: .. code-block:: python from i3pystatus import Status status = Status() status.register( 'battery', interval=5, format='{battery_ident}: [{status} ]{percentage_design:.2f}%', alert=True, alert_percentage=15, status = { 'DPL': 'DPL', 'CHR': 'CHR', 'DIS': 'DIS', 'FULL': '', } ) """ settings = ( ("battery_ident", "The name of your battery, usually BAT0 or BAT1"), "format", ("not_present_text", "Text displayed if the battery is not present. No formatters are available"), ("alert", "Display a libnotify-notification on low battery"), ("critical_level_command", "Runs a shell command in the case of a critical power state"), "critical_level_percentage", "alert_percentage", ("alert_format_title", "The title of the notification, all formatters can be used"), ("alert_format_body", "The body text of the notification, all formatters can be used"), ("path", "Override the default-generated path and specify the full path for a single battery"), ("base_path", "Override the default base path for searching for batteries"), ("battery_prefix", "Override the default battery prefix"), ("status", "A dictionary mapping ('DPL', 'DIS', 'CHR', 'FULL') to alternative names"), ("color", "The text color"), ("full_color", "The full color"), ("charging_color", "The charging color"), ("critical_color", "The critical color"), ("not_present_color", "The not present color."), ("not_present_text", "The text to display when the battery is not present. Provides {battery_ident} as formatting option"), ("no_text_full", "Don't display text when battery is full - 100%"), ) battery_ident = "ALL" format = "{status} {remaining}" status = { "DPL": "DPL", "CHR": "CHR", "DIS": "DIS", "FULL": "FULL", } not_present_text = "Battery {battery_ident} not present" alert = False critical_level_command = "" critical_level_percentage = 1 alert_percentage = 10 alert_format_title = "Low battery" alert_format_body = "Battery {battery_ident} has only {percentage:.2f}% ({remaining:%E%hh:%Mm}) remaining!" color = "#ffffff" full_color = "#00ff00" charging_color = "#00ff00" critical_color = "#ff0000" not_present_color = "#ffffff" no_text_full = False battery_prefix = 'BAT' base_path = '/sys/class/power_supply' path = None paths = [] def percentage(self, batteries, design=False): total = 0 for battery in batteries: total += battery.percentage(design) return total / len(batteries) def consumption(self, batteries): consumption = 0 for battery in batteries: if battery.consumption() is not None: consumption += battery.consumption() return consumption def abs_consumption(self, batteries): abs_consumption = 0 for battery in batteries: if battery.consumption() is None: continue if battery.status() == 'Discharging': abs_consumption -= battery.consumption() elif battery.status() == 'Charging': abs_consumption += battery.consumption() return abs_consumption def battery_status(self, batteries): abs_consumption = self.abs_consumption(batteries) if abs_consumption > 0: return 'Charging' elif abs_consumption < 0: return 'Discharging' else: return batteries[-1].status() def remaining(self, batteries): wh_depleted = 0 wh_remaining = 0 abs_consumption = self.abs_consumption(batteries) for battery in batteries: wh_remaining += battery.wh_remaining() wh_depleted += battery.wh_depleted() if abs_consumption == 0: return 0 elif abs_consumption > 0: return wh_depleted / self.consumption(batteries) * 60 elif abs_consumption < 0: return wh_remaining / self.consumption(batteries) * 60 def init(self): if not self.paths or (self.path and self.path not in self.paths): bat_dir = self.base_path if os.path.exists(bat_dir) and not self.path: _, dirs, _ = next(os.walk(bat_dir)) all_bats = [x for x in dirs if x.startswith(self.battery_prefix)] for bat in all_bats: self.paths.append(os.path.join(bat_dir, bat, 'uevent')) if self.path: self.paths = [self.path] def run(self): urgent = False color = self.color batteries = [] for path in self.paths: if self.battery_ident == 'ALL' or path.find(self.battery_ident) >= 0: try: batteries.append(Battery.create(path)) except FileNotFoundError: pass if not batteries: format_dict = {'battery_ident': self.battery_ident} self.output = { "full_text": formatp(self.not_present_text, **format_dict), "color": self.not_present_color, } return if self.no_text_full: if self.battery_status(batteries) == "Full": self.output = { "full_text": "" } return fdict = { "battery_ident": self.battery_ident, "no_of_batteries": len(batteries), "percentage": self.percentage(batteries), "percentage_design": self.percentage(batteries, design=True), "consumption": self.consumption(batteries), "remaining": TimeWrapper(0, "%E%h:%M"), "bar": make_bar(self.percentage(batteries)), "bar_design": make_bar(self.percentage(batteries, design=True)), } status = self.battery_status(batteries) if status in ["Charging", "Discharging"]: remaining = self.remaining(batteries) fdict["remaining"] = TimeWrapper(remaining * 60, "%E%h:%M") if status == "Discharging": fdict["status"] = "DIS" if self.percentage(batteries) <= self.alert_percentage: urgent = True color = self.critical_color else: fdict["status"] = "CHR" color = self.charging_color elif status == 'Depleted': fdict["status"] = "DPL" color = self.critical_color else: fdict["status"] = "FULL" color = self.full_color if self.critical_level_command and fdict["status"] == "DIS" and fdict["percentage"] <= self.critical_level_percentage: run_through_shell(self.critical_level_command, enable_shell=True) if self.alert and fdict["status"] == "DIS" and fdict["percentage"] <= self.alert_percentage: DesktopNotification( title=formatp(self.alert_format_title, **fdict), body=formatp(self.alert_format_body, **fdict), icon="battery-caution", urgency=2, timeout=60, ).display() fdict["status"] = self.status[fdict["status"]] = fdict self.output = { "full_text": formatp(self.format, **fdict), "instance": self.battery_ident, "urgent": urgent, "color": color, }