Source code for i3pystatus.wireguard

from i3pystatus import IntervalModule
from i3pystatus.core.command import run_through_shell

__author__ = 'Pluggi'

[docs]class Wireguard(IntervalModule): """ Monitor Wireguard connections. .. note:: You might want to add something like this to /etc/sudoers: ``%wheel ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl start wg-quick@wg0.service,/bin/systemctl stop wg-quick@wg0.service`` Formatters: * {vpn_name} — Same as setting. * {status} — Unicode up or down symbol. * {output} — Output of status_command. * {label} — Label for this connection, if defined. """ color_up = "#00ff00" color_down = "#FF0000" status_up = '▲' status_down = '▼' format = "{vpn_name} {status}" status_command = "systemctl is-active wg-quick@{vpn_name}" vpn_up_command = "sudo /bin/systemctl start wg-quick@{vpn_name}.service" vpn_down_command = "sudo /bin/systemctl stop wg-quick@{vpn_name}.service" connected = False label = '' vpn_name = '' settings = ( ("format", "Format string"), ("color_up", "VPN is up"), ("color_down", "VPN is down"), ("status_down", "Symbol to display when down"), ("status_up", "Symbol to display when up"), ("vpn_name", "Name of VPN"), ("vpn_up_command", "Command to bring up the VPN - default requires editing /etc/sudoers"), ("vpn_down_command", "Command to bring up the VPN - default requires editing /etc/sudoers"), ("status_command", "command to find out if the VPN is active"), ) def init(self): if not self.vpn_name: raise Exception("vpn_name is required") def toggle_connection(self): if self.connected: command = self.vpn_down_command else: command = self.vpn_up_command run_through_shell(command.format(vpn_name=self.vpn_name)) def on_click(self, button, **kwargs): self.toggle_connection() def run(self): command_result = run_through_shell(self.status_command.format(vpn_name=self.vpn_name)) self.connected = command_result.rc == 0 if self.connected: color, status = self.color_up, self.status_up else: color, status = self.color_down, self.status_down vpn_name = self.vpn_name label = self.label = locals() self.output = { "full_text": self.format.format(**, 'color': color, }