Source code for i3pystatus.weekcal

from calendar import Calendar
from datetime import date, timedelta

from i3pystatus import IntervalModule

[docs]class WeekCal(IntervalModule): """ Displays the days of the current week as they would be represented on a calendar sheet, with the current day highlighted. By default, the current day of week is displayed in the front, and the month and year are displayed in the back. Example: ``Sat 16 17 18 19 20[21]22 May 2016`` """ settings = ( ("startofweek", "First day of the week (0 = Monday, 6 = Sunday), defaults to 0."), ("prefixformat", "Prefix in strftime-format"), ("suffixformat", "Suffix in strftime-format"), ("todayhighlight", "Characters to highlight today's date"), ) startofweek = 0 interval = 30 prefixformat = "%a" suffixformat = "%b %Y" todayhighlight = ("[", "]") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): IntervalModule.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) = Calendar(self.startofweek) def run(self): today = yesterday = today - timedelta(days=1) outstr = today.strftime(self.prefixformat) + " " weekdays = if today.weekday() == self.startofweek: outstr += self.todayhighlight[0] else: outstr += " " nextweek = False # keep track of offset if week doesn't start on monday for w in weekdays: if w == 0 and self.startofweek != 0: nextweek = True if nextweek and today.weekday() >= self.startofweek: w += 7 elif not nextweek and today.weekday() < self.startofweek: w -= 7 weekday_offset = today.weekday() - w weekday_delta = timedelta(days=weekday_offset) weekday = today - weekday_delta if weekday == yesterday: outstr += weekday.strftime("%d") + self.todayhighlight[0] elif weekday == today: outstr += weekday.strftime("%d") + self.todayhighlight[1] else: outstr += weekday.strftime("%d ") outstr += " " + today.strftime(self.suffixformat) self.output = { "full_text": outstr, "urgent": False, }