Source code for i3pystatus.updates.dnf

from i3pystatus.updates import Backend
import sys

# Remove first dir from sys.path to avoid shadowing dnf module from
# site-packages dir when this module executed directly on the CLI.
__module_dir = sys.path.pop(0)
    import dnf
except ImportError:
    # Replace the directory we popped earlier
    sys.path.insert(0, __module_dir)

[docs]class Dnf(Backend): """ Gets updates for RPM-based distributions using the `DNF API`_ The notification body consists of the package name and version for each available update. .. _`DNF API`: .. note:: Users running i3pystatus from a virtualenv may see the updates display as ``?`` due to an inability to import the ``dnf`` module. To ensure that i3pystatus can access the DNF Python bindings, the virtualenv should be created with ``--system-site-packages``. If using `pyenv-virtualenv`_, the virtualenv must additionally be created to use the system Python binary: .. code-block:: bash $ pyenv virtualenv --system-site-packages --python=/usr/bin/python3 pyenv_name To invoke i3pystatus with this virtualenv, your ``bar`` section in ``~/.config/i3/config`` would look like this: .. code-block:: bash bar { position top status_command PYENV_VERSION=pyenv_name python /path/to/i3pystatus/ } .. _`pyenv-virtualenv`: """ @property def updates(self): if HAS_DNF_BINDINGS: try: with dnf.Base() as base: base.read_all_repos() base.fill_sack() upgrades = base.sack.query().upgrades().run() notif_body = ''.join([ '%s: %s-%s\n' % (, pkg.version, pkg.release) for pkg in upgrades ]) return len(upgrades), notif_body except Exception as exc: self.logger.error('DNF update check failed', exc_info=True) return '?', exc.__str__() else: return '?', 'Failed to import DNF Python bindings'
Backend = Dnf if __name__ == "__main__": """ Call this module directly; Print the update count and notification body. """ print("Updates: {}\n\n{}".format(*Backend().updates))