Source code for i3pystatus.temp

from i3pystatus import IntervalModule
from i3pystatus.core.color import ColorRangeModule
from i3pystatus.core.util import make_vertical_bar

class Sensor:
    Simple class representing a CPU temperature sensor.

    def __init__(self, name, current, maximum, critical): = name.replace(' ', '_')
        self.current = int(current)
        self.maximum = int(maximum) if maximum else int(critical)
        self.critical = int(critical)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Sensor(name='{}', current={}, maximum={}, critical={})".format(

    def is_warning(self):
        return self.current > self.maximum

    def is_critical(self):
        return self.current > self.critical

def get_sensors():
    """ Detect and return a list of Sensor objects """
    import sensors
    found_sensors = list()

    def get_subfeature_value(feature, subfeature_type):
        subfeature = chip.get_subfeature(feature, subfeature_type)
        if subfeature:
            return chip.get_value(subfeature.number)

    for chip in sensors.get_detected_chips():
        for feature in chip.get_features():
            if feature.type == sensors.FEATURE_TEMP:
                    name = chip.get_label(feature)
                    max = get_subfeature_value(feature, sensors.SUBFEATURE_TEMP_MAX)
                    current = get_subfeature_value(feature, sensors.SUBFEATURE_TEMP_INPUT)
                    critical = get_subfeature_value(feature, sensors.SUBFEATURE_TEMP_CRIT)
                    if critical:
                        found_sensors.append(Sensor(name=name, current=current, maximum=max, critical=critical))
                except sensors.SensorsException:
    return found_sensors

[docs]class Temperature(IntervalModule, ColorRangeModule): """ Shows CPU temperature of Intel processors. AMD is currently not supported as they can only report a relative temperature, which is pretty useless. Requires `colour` module from PyPi .. rubric:: Modes of operation If lm_sensors_enabled is set to False, the module operates in default mode. This means that: * only the {temp} formatter is available * alert_temp is honored If lm_sensors_enabled is set to True, the module operates in lm_sensors mode. This means that: * pysensors must be installed ( * CPU sensors are discovered dynamically (supporting a sensor per core and multiple CPUs) * alert_temp is ignored. The warning or critical values reported by the sensor are used instead (see urgent_on) .. rubric:: lm_sensors installation In order to take advantage of the lm_sensors library and tools, it must first be installed and configured. On Arch this is as simple as: .. code-block:: bash pacman -S lm_sensors On Ubuntu: .. code-block:: bash sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install lm-sensors libsensors4-dev The Arch Wiki has a good page on the library - .. rubric:: lm_sensors_mode formatters When ``lm_sensors_enabled`` is True the formatters are created dynamically. In order to discover the formatters that are available, it is best to run the sensors command: .. code-block:: bash ⇒ sensors coretemp-isa-0000 Adapter: ISA adapter Physical id 0: +48.0°C (high = +80.0°C, crit = +99.0°C) Core 0: +48.0°C (high = +80.0°C, crit = +99.0°C) Core 1: +46.0°C (high = +80.0°C, crit = +99.0°C) Core 2: +43.0°C (high = +80.0°C, crit = +99.0°C) Core 3: +47.0°C (high = +80.0°C, crit = +99.0°C) The module replaces spaces in sensor names with underscores, therefore from the above output we can identify the following sensor formatters: * Physical_id_0 * Core_0 * Core_1 * Core_2 * Core_3 For each sensor a vertical bar is also generated. In this example we would also have the following bars: * Physical_id_0_bar * Core_0_bar * Core_1_bar * Core_2_bar * Core_3_bar Thus, this format string would be valid: "{Physical_id_0}°C {Core_0_bar}{Core_1_bar}{Core_2_bar}{Core_3_bar}" .. rubric:: Pango Markup and lm_sensors_mode When Pango Markup is enabled and ``dynamic_color`` is True, each sensor's formatter color is displayed independently. The color is determined by the proximity of the sensors current value to it's critical value. .. rubric:: Example Configuration Here is an example configuration based on the sensor values discovered above: .. code-block:: python status.register("temp", format="{Physical_id_0}°C {Core_0_bar}{Core_1_bar}{Core_2_bar}{Core_3_bar}", hints={"markup": "pango"}, lm_sensors_enabled=True, dynamic_color=True) """ settings = ( ("format", "format string used for output. {temp} is the temperature in degrees celsius"), ('display_if', 'snippet that gets evaluated. if true, displays the module output'), ('lm_sensors_enabled', 'whether or not lm_sensors should be used for obtaining CPU temperature information'), ('urgent_on', 'whether to flag as urgent when temperature exceeds urgent value or critical value ' '(requires lm_sensors_enabled)'), ('dynamic_color', 'whether to set the color dynamically (overrides alert_color)'), "color", "file", "alert_temp", "alert_color", ) format = "{temp} °C" color = "#FFFFFF" file = "/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp" alert_temp = 90 alert_color = "#FF0000" display_if = 'True' lm_sensors_enabled = False dynamic_color = False urgent_on = 'warning' def init(self): self.pango_enabled = self.hints.get("markup", False) and self.hints["markup"] == "pango" self.colors = self.get_hex_color_range(self.start_color, self.end_color, 100) def run(self): if eval(self.display_if): if self.lm_sensors_enabled: self.output = self.get_output_sensors() else: self.output = self.get_output_original()
[docs] def get_output_original(self): """ Build the output the original way. Requires no third party libraries. """ with open(self.file, "r") as f: temp = float( / 1000 if self.dynamic_color: perc = int(self.percentage(int(temp), self.alert_temp)) color = self.get_colour(perc) else: color = self.color if temp < self.alert_temp else self.alert_color return { "full_text": self.format.format(temp=temp), "color": color, }
[docs] def get_output_sensors(self): """ Build the output using lm_sensors. Requires sensors Python module (see docs). """ data = dict() found_sensors = get_sensors() if len(found_sensors) == 0: raise Exception("No sensors detected! " "Ensure lm-sensors is installed and check the output of the `sensors` command.") for sensor in found_sensors: data[] = self.format_sensor(sensor) data["{}_bar".format(] = self.format_sensor_bar(sensor) data['temp'] = max((s.current for s in found_sensors)) return { 'full_text': self.format.format(**data), 'urgent': self.get_urgent(found_sensors), 'color': self.color if not self.dynamic_color else None, }
[docs] def get_urgent(self, sensors): """ Determine if any sensors should set the urgent flag. """ if self.urgent_on not in ('warning', 'critical'): raise Exception("urgent_on must be one of (warning, critical)") for sensor in sensors: if self.urgent_on == 'warning' and sensor.is_warning(): return True elif self.urgent_on == 'critical' and sensor.is_critical(): return True return False
[docs] def format_sensor(self, sensor): """ Format a sensor value. If pango is enabled color is per sensor. """ current_val = sensor.current if self.pango_enabled: percentage = self.percentage(sensor.current, sensor.critical) if self.dynamic_color: color = self.get_colour(percentage) return self.format_pango(color, current_val) return current_val
[docs] def format_sensor_bar(self, sensor): """ Build and format a sensor bar. If pango is enabled bar color is per sensor.""" percentage = self.percentage(sensor.current, sensor.critical) bar = make_vertical_bar(int(percentage)) if self.pango_enabled: if self.dynamic_color: color = self.get_colour(percentage) return self.format_pango(color, bar) return bar
def format_pango(self, color, value): return '<span color="{}">{}</span>'.format(color, value) def get_colour(self, percentage): index = -1 if int(percentage) > len(self.colors) - 1 else int(percentage) return self.colors[index]