Source code for i3pystatus.swap

from i3pystatus import IntervalModule
from psutil import swap_memory
from .core.util import round_dict

[docs]class Swap(IntervalModule): """ Shows swap load .. rubric:: Available formatters * {free} * {percent_used} * {used} * {total} Requires psutil (from PyPI) """ format = "{free} MiB" format_no_swap = "No swap" hide_if_empty = False divisor = 1024 ** 2 color = "#00FF00" warn_color = "#FFFF00" alert_color = "#FF0000" color_no_swap = "#FFFFFF" warn_percentage = 50 alert_percentage = 80 round_size = 1 settings = ( ("format", "format string used for output."), ("format_no_swap", "format string used when no swap is enabled, " "set to None to use default format"), ("hide_if_empty", "hide swap block when swap is not used"), ("divisor", "divide all byte values by this value, default is 1024**2 (megabytes)"), ("warn_percentage", "minimal percentage for warn state"), ("alert_percentage", "minimal percentage for alert state"), ("color", "standard color"), ("warn_color", "defines the color used when warn percentage is exceeded"), ("alert_color", "defines the color used when alert percentage is exceeded"), ("color_no_swap", "defines the color used when no swap is enabled, " "set to None to use default color"), ("round_size", "defines number of digits in round"), ) def run(self): swap_usage = swap_memory() if self.hide_if_empty and swap_usage.used == 0: self.output = {} return elif == 0: format = self.format_no_swap if self.format_no_swap else self.format color = self.color_no_swap if self.color_no_swap else self.color else: format = self.format if swap_usage.percent >= self.alert_percentage: color = self.alert_color elif swap_usage.percent >= self.warn_percentage: color = self.warn_color else: color = self.color cdict = { "free": / self.divisor, "percent_used": swap_usage.percent, "used": swap_usage.used / self.divisor, "total": / self.divisor, } round_dict(cdict, self.round_size) = cdict self.output = { "full_text": format.format(**cdict), "color": color }