Source code for i3pystatus.pyload

import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
import urllib.error
import http.cookiejar
import webbrowser
import json

from i3pystatus import IntervalModule

[docs]class pyLoad(IntervalModule): """ Shows pyLoad status .. rubric:: Available formatters * `{captcha}` — see captcha_true and captcha_false, which are the values filled in for this formatter * `{progress}` — average over all running downloads * `{progress_all}` — percentage of completed files/links in queue * `{speed}` — kilobytes/s * `{download}` — downloads enabled, also see download_true and download_false * `{total}` — number of downloads * `{free_space}` — free space in download directory in gigabytes """ interval = 5 settings = ( ("address", "Address of pyLoad webinterface"), "format", "captcha_true", "captcha_false", "download_true", "download_false", "username", "password", ('keyring_backend', 'alternative keyring backend for retrieving credentials'), ) required = ("username", "password") keyring_backend = None address = "" format = "{captcha} {progress_all:.1f}% {speed:.1f} kb/s" captcha_true = "Captcha waiting" captcha_false = "" download_true = "Downloads enabled" download_false = "Downloads disabled" on_leftclick = "open_webbrowser" def _rpc_call(self, method, data=None): if not data: data = {} urlencoded = urllib.parse.urlencode(data).encode("ascii") return json.loads("{address}/api/{method}/".format(address=self.address, method=method), urlencoded).read().decode("utf-8")) def init(self): self.cj = http.cookiejar.CookieJar() self.opener = urllib.request.build_opener( urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor(self.cj)) def login(self): return self._rpc_call("login", { "username": self.username, "password": self.password, }) def run(self): self.login() server_status = self._rpc_call("statusServer") downloads_status = self._rpc_call("statusDownloads") if downloads_status: progress = sum(dl["percent"] for dl in downloads_status) / len(downloads_status) * 100 else: progress = 100.0 fdict = { "download": self.download_true if server_status["download"] else self.download_false, "speed": server_status["speed"] / 1024, "progress": progress, "progress_all": sum(pkg["linksdone"] for pkg in self._rpc_call("getQueue")) / server_status["total"] * 100, "captcha": self.captcha_true if self._rpc_call("isCaptchaWaiting") else self.captcha_false, "free_space": self._rpc_call("freeSpace") / (1024 ** 3), } = fdict self.output = { "full_text": self.format.format(**fdict).strip(), "instance": self.address, } def open_webbrowser(self): webbrowser.open_new_tab(self.address)