Source code for i3pystatus.hassio

from i3pystatus import IntervalModule
from requests import get
import json

[docs]class Hassio(IntervalModule): """ Displays the state of a entity Requires the PyPI package `requests` """ settings = ( ("entity_id", "Entity ID to track."), ("hassio_url", "URL to your hassio install. (default: " "https://localhost:8123)"), ("hassio_token", "HomeAssistant API token " "("), ("interval", "Update interval."), ("desired_state", "The desired or \"good\" state of the entity."), ("good_color", "Color of text while entity is in desired state"), ("bad_color", "Color of text while entity is not in desired state"), "format" ) required = ("hassio_url", "hassio_token", "entity_id") desired_state = "on" good_color = "#00FF00" # green bad_color = "#FF0000" # red interval = 15 format = "{friendly_name}: {state}" def run(self): headers = {"content-type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer %s" % self.hassio_token} url = "%s/api/states/%s" % (self.hassio_url, self.entity_id) response = get(url, headers=headers) entity = json.loads(response.text) cdict = { "friendly_name": entity['attributes']['friendly_name'] or None, "entity_id": entity['entity_id'] or self.entity_id, "last_change": entity['last_changed'] or None, "last_update": entity['last_updated'] or None, "state": entity['state'] } color = self.good_color if entity['state'] == self.desired_state else self.bad_color self.output = { "full_text": self.format.format(**cdict), "color": color }