Source code for i3pystatus.core.modules

import html
import inspect
import traceback

from i3pystatus.core.settings import SettingsBase
from i3pystatus.core.threading import Manager
from i3pystatus.core.util import (convert_position,
from i3pystatus.core.command import execute

[docs]def is_method_of(method, object): """Decide whether ``method`` is contained within the MRO of ``object``.""" if not callable(method) or not hasattr(method, "__name__"): return False if inspect.ismethod(method): return method.__self__ is object for cls in inspect.getmro(object.__class__): if cls.__dict__.get(method.__name__, None) is method: return True return False
[docs]class Module(SettingsBase): position = 0 settings = ( ('on_leftclick', "Callback called on left click (see :ref:`callbacks`)"), ('on_middleclick', "Callback called on middle click (see :ref:`callbacks`)"), ('on_rightclick', "Callback called on right click (see :ref:`callbacks`)"), ('on_upscroll', "Callback called on scrolling up (see :ref:`callbacks`)"), ('on_downscroll', "Callback called on scrolling down (see :ref:`callbacks`)"), ('on_doubleleftclick', "Callback called on double left click (see :ref:`callbacks`)"), ('on_doubleleftclick', "Callback called on double left click (see :ref:`callbacks`)"), ('on_doublemiddleclick', "Callback called on double middle click (see :ref:`callbacks`)"), ('on_doublerightclick', "Callback called on double right click (see :ref:`callbacks`)"), ('on_doubleupscroll', "Callback called on double scroll up (see :ref:`callbacks`)"), ('on_doubledownscroll', "Callback called on double scroll down (see :ref:`callbacks`)"), ('on_otherclick', "Callback called on other click (see :ref:`callbacks`)"), ('on_doubleotherclick', "Callback called on double other click (see :ref:`callbacks`)"), ('on_change', "Callback called when output is changed (see :ref:`callbacks`)"), ('multi_click_timeout', "Time (in seconds) before a single click is executed."), ('hints', "Additional output blocks for module output (see :ref:`hints`)"), ) on_leftclick = None on_middleclick = None on_rightclick = None on_upscroll = None on_downscroll = None on_doubleleftclick = None on_doublemiddleclick = None on_doublerightclick = None on_doubleupscroll = None on_doubledownscroll = None on_otherclick = None on_change = None on_doubleotherclick = None multi_click_timeout = 0.25 hints = {"markup": "none"} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._output = None super(Module, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__multi_click = MultiClickHandler(self.__button_callback_handler, self.multi_click_timeout) @property def output(self): return self._output @output.setter def output(self, value): self._output = value if self.on_change: self.on_change()
[docs] def registered(self, status_handler): """Called when this module is registered with a status handler""" self.__status_handler = status_handler
[docs] def inject(self, json): if self.output: if "name" not in self.output: self.output["name"] = self.__name__ self.output["instance"] = str(id(self)) if (self.output.get("color", "") or "").lower() == "#ffffff": del self.output["color"] if self.hints: for key, val in self.hints.items(): if key not in self.output: self.output.update({key: val}) if self.output.get("markup") == "pango": self.text_to_pango() json.insert(convert_position(self.position, json), self.output)
[docs] def run(self): pass
[docs] def send_output(self): """Send a status update with the current module output"""
def __log_button_event(self, button, cb, args, action, **kwargs): msg = "{}: button={}, cb='{}', args={}, kwargs={}, type='{}'".format( self.__name__, button, cb, args, kwargs, action) self.logger.debug(msg) def __button_callback_handler(self, button, cb, **kwargs): def call_callback(cb, *args, **kwargs): # Recover the function if wrapped (with get_module for example) wrapped_cb = getattr(cb, "__wrapped__", None) if wrapped_cb: locals()["self"] = self # Add self to the local stack frame tmp_cb = wrapped_cb else: tmp_cb = cb try: args_spec = inspect.getfullargspec(tmp_cb) except Exception: args_spec = inspect.FullArgSpec( [], None, None, None, None, None, {}) # Remove all variables present in kwargs that are not used in the # callback, except if there is a keyword argument. if not args_spec.varkw: kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in args_spec.args} cb(*args, **kwargs) if not cb: self.__log_button_event(button, None, None, "No callback attached", **kwargs) return False if isinstance(cb, list): cb, args = (cb[0], cb[1:]) else: args = [] try: our_method = is_method_of(cb, self) if callable(cb) and not our_method: self.__log_button_event(button, cb, args, "Python callback", **kwargs) call_callback(cb, *args, **kwargs) elif our_method: self.__log_button_event(button, cb, args, "Method callback", **kwargs) call_callback(cb, self, *args, **kwargs) elif hasattr(self, cb): if cb != "run": # CommandEndpoint already calls run() after every # callback to instantly update any changed state due # to the callback's actions. self.__log_button_event(button, cb, args, "Member callback", **kwargs) call_callback(getattr(self, cb), *args, **kwargs) else: self.__log_button_event(button, cb, args, "External command", **kwargs) if hasattr(self, "data"): kwargs.update( args = [str(arg).format(**kwargs) for arg in args] cb = cb.format(**kwargs) execute(cb + " " + " ".join(args), detach=True) except Exception as e: self.logger.critical("Exception while processing button " "callback: {!r}".format(e)) self.logger.critical(traceback.format_exc()) # Notify status handler try: except: pass
[docs] def on_click(self, button, **kwargs): """ Maps a click event with its associated callback. Currently implemented events are: ============ ================ ========= Event Callback setting Button ID ============ ================ ========= Left click on_leftclick 1 Middle click on_middleclick 2 Right click on_rightclick 3 Scroll up on_upscroll 4 Scroll down on_downscroll 5 Others on_otherclick > 5 ============ ================ ========= The action is determined by the nature (type and value) of the callback setting in the following order: 1. If null callback (``None``), no action is taken. 2. If it's a `python function`, call it and pass any additional arguments. 3. If it's name of a `member method` of current module (string), call it and pass any additional arguments. 4. If the name does not match with `member method` name execute program with such name. .. seealso:: :ref:`callbacks` for more information about callback settings and examples. :param button: The ID of button event received from i3bar. :param kwargs: Further information received from i3bar like the positions of the mouse where the click occurred. :return: Returns ``True`` if a valid callback action was executed. ``False`` otherwise. """ actions = ['leftclick', 'middleclick', 'rightclick', 'upscroll', 'downscroll'] try: action = actions[button - 1] except (TypeError, IndexError): self.__log_button_event(button, None, None, "Other button") action = "otherclick" m_click = self.__multi_click with m_click.lock: double = m_click.check_double(button) double_action = 'double%s' % action if double: action = double_action # Get callback function cb = getattr(self, 'on_%s' % action, None) double_handler = getattr(self, 'on_%s' % double_action, None) delay_execution = (not double and double_handler) if delay_execution: m_click.set_timer(button, cb, **kwargs) else: self.__button_callback_handler(button, cb, **kwargs)
[docs] def move(self, position): self.position = position return self
[docs] def text_to_pango(self): """ Replaces all ampersands in `full_text` and `short_text` attributes of `self.output` with `&`. It is called internally when pango markup is used. Can be called multiple times (`&` won't change to `&`). """ def replace(text): components = text.split("&") out = components[0] for item in components[1:]: if item.startswith("amp;") \ or (not item.startswith("amp;") and html.unescape(f'&{item}') != f'&{item}'): out += "&" + item else: out += "&" + item return out if "full_text" in self.output.keys(): self.output["full_text"] = replace(self.output["full_text"]) if "short_text" in self.output.keys(): self.output["short_text"] = replace(self.output["short_text"])
[docs]class IntervalModule(Module): settings = ( ("interval", "interval in seconds between module updates"), ) interval = 5 # seconds managers = {}
[docs] def registered(self, status_handler): super(IntervalModule, self).registered(status_handler) if self.interval in IntervalModule.managers: IntervalModule.managers[self.interval].append(self) else: am = Manager(self.interval) am.append(self) IntervalModule.managers[self.interval] = am am.start()
def __call__(self):
[docs] def run(self): """Called approximately every self.interval seconds Do not rely on this being called from the same thread at all times. If you need to always have the same thread context, subclass AsyncModule."""