Source code for i3pystatus.cmus

import os

from i3pystatus import formatp
from i3pystatus import IntervalModule
from i3pystatus.core.command import run_through_shell
from i3pystatus.core.util import TimeWrapper

def _extract_artist_title(input):
    artist, title = (input.split('-') + [''])[:2]
    return artist.strip(), title.strip()

[docs]class Cmus(IntervalModule): """ Gets the status and current song info using cmus-remote .. rubric:: Available formatters * `{status}` — current status icon (paused/playing/stopped) * `{song_elapsed}` — song elapsed time (mm:ss format) * `{song_length}` — total song duration (mm:ss format) * `{artist}` — artist * `{title}` — title * `{album}` — album * `{tracknumber}` — tracknumber * `{file}` — file or url name * `{stream}` — song name from stream * `{bitrate}` — bitrate """ settings = ( ('format', 'formatp string'), ('format_not_running', 'Text to show if cmus is not running'), ('color', 'The color of the text'), ('color_not_running', 'The color of the text, when cmus is not running'), ('status', 'Dictionary mapping status to output'), ) color = '#ffffff' color_not_running = '#ffffff' format = '{status} {song_elapsed}/{song_length} {artist} - {title}' format_not_running = 'Not running' interval = 1 status = { 'paused': '▷', 'playing': '▶', 'stopped': '◾', } on_leftclick = 'playpause' on_rightclick = 'next_song' on_upscroll = 'next_song' on_downscroll = 'previous_song' def _cmus_command(self, command): cmdline = 'cmus-remote --{command}'.format(command=command) return run_through_shell(cmdline, enable_shell=True) def _query_cmus(self): response = {} cmd = self._cmus_command('query') if not cmd.rc: for line in cmd.out.splitlines(): category, _, category_value = line.partition(' ') if category in ('set', 'tag'): key, _, value = category_value.partition(' ') key = '_'.join((category, key)) response[key] = value else: response[category] = category_value return response def run(self): response = self._query_cmus() if response: fdict = { 'file': response.get('file', ''), 'status': self.status[response['status']], 'title': response.get('tag_title', ''), 'stream': response.get('stream', ''), 'album': response.get('tag_album', ''), 'artist': response.get('tag_artist', ''), 'tracknumber': response.get('tag_tracknumber', 0), 'song_length': TimeWrapper(response.get('duration', 0)), 'song_elapsed': TimeWrapper(response.get('position', 0)), 'bitrate': int(response.get('bitrate', 0)), } if fdict['stream']: fdict['artist'], fdict['title'] = _extract_artist_title(fdict['stream']) elif not fdict['title']: filename = os.path.basename(fdict['file']) filebase, _ = os.path.splitext(filename) fdict['artist'], fdict['title'] = _extract_artist_title(filebase) = fdict self.output = {"full_text": formatp(self.format, **fdict), "color": self.color} else: if hasattr(self, "data"): del self.output = {"full_text": self.format_not_running, "color": self.color_not_running} def playpause(self): status = self._query_cmus().get('status', '') if status == 'playing': self._cmus_command('pause') if status == 'paused': self._cmus_command('play') if status == 'stopped': self._cmus_command('play') def next_song(self): self._cmus_command('next') def previous_song(self): self._cmus_command('prev')