Source code for i3pystatus.syncthing

import json
import os.path
import requests
from subprocess import call
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from i3pystatus import IntervalModule
from i3pystatus.core.util import user_open

[docs]class Syncthing(IntervalModule): """ Check Syncthing's online status and start/stop Syncthing via click events. Requires `requests`. """ format_up = 'ST up' color_up = '#00ff00' format_down = 'ST down' color_down = '#ff0000' configfile = '~/.config/syncthing/config.xml' url = 'auto' apikey = 'auto' verify_ssl = True interval = 10 on_leftclick = 'st_open' on_rightclick = 'st_toggle_systemd' settings = ( ('format_up', 'Text to show when Syncthing is running'), ('format_down', 'Text to show when Syncthing is not running'), ('color_up', 'Color when Syncthing is running'), ('color_down', 'Color when Syncthing is not running'), ('configfile', 'Path to Syncthing config'), ('url', 'Syncthing GUI URL; "auto" reads from local config'), ('apikey', 'Syncthing APIKEY; "auto" reads from local config'), ('verify_ssl', 'Verify SSL certificate'), ) def st_get(self, endpoint): response = requests.get( urljoin(self.url, endpoint), verify=self.verify_ssl, ) return json.loads(response.text) def st_post(self, endpoint, data=None): headers = {'X-API-KEY': self.apikey} urljoin(self.url, endpoint), data=data, headers=headers, ) def read_config(self): self.configfile = os.path.expanduser(self.configfile) # Parse config only once! if self.url == 'auto' or self.apikey == 'auto': tree = ET.parse(self.configfile) root = tree.getroot() if self.url == 'auto': tls = root.find('./gui').attrib['tls'] address = root.find('./gui/address').text if tls == 'true': self.url = 'https://' + address else: self.url = 'http://' + address if self.apikey == 'auto': self.apikey = root.find('./gui/apikey').text def ping(self): try: ping_data = self.st_get('/rest/system/ping') if ping_data['ping'] == 'pong': return True else: return False except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: return False def run(self): self.read_config() = True if else False if self.output = { 'full_text': self.format_up, 'color': self.color_up } else: self.output = { 'full_text': self.format_down, 'color': self.color_down } # Callbacks
[docs] def st_open(self): """Callback: Open Syncthing web UI""" user_open(self.url)
[docs] def st_restart(self): """Callback: Restart Syncthing""" self.st_post('/rest/system/restart')
[docs] def st_stop(self): """Callback: Stop Syncthing""" self.st_post('/rest/system/shutdown')
[docs] def st_start_systemd(self): """Callback: systemctl --user start syncthing.service""" call(['systemctl', '--user', 'start', 'syncthing.service'])
[docs] def st_restart_systemd(self): """Callback: systemctl --user restart syncthing.service""" call(['systemctl', '--user', 'restart', 'syncthing.service'])
[docs] def st_stop_systemd(self): """Callback: systemctl --user stop syncthing.service""" call(['systemctl', '--user', 'stop', 'syncthing.service'])
[docs] def st_toggle_systemd(self): """Callback: start Syncthing service if offline, or stop it when online""" if self.st_stop_systemd() else: self.st_start_systemd()