Source code for i3pystatus.openstack_vms

from i3pystatus import IntervalModule
# requires python-novaclient
from novaclient.v2 import client
import webbrowser

[docs]class Openstack_vms(IntervalModule): """ Displays the number of VMs in an openstack cluster in ACTIVE and non-ACTIVE states. Requires: python-novaclient """ settings = ( ("auth_url", "OpenStack cluster authentication URL (OS_AUTH_URL)"), ("username", "Username for OpenStack authentication (OS_USERNAME)"), ("password", "Password for Openstack authentication (OS_PASSWORD)"), ("tenant_name", "Tenant/Project name to view (OS_TENANT_NAME)"), ("color", "Display color when non-active VMs are =< `threshold`"), ("crit_color", "Display color when non-active VMs are => `threshold`"), ("threshold", "Set critical indicators when non-active VM pass this " "number"), ("horizon_url", "When clicked, open this URL in a browser"), "format" ) required = ("auth_url", "password", "tenant_name", "username") color = "#00FF00" crit_color = "#FF0000" threshold = 0 horizon_url = None format = "{tenant_name}: {active_servers} up, "\ "{nonactive_servers} down" on_leftclick = "openurl" def run(self): nclient = client.Client( self.username, self.password, self.tenant_name, self.auth_url ) active_servers = 0 nonactive_servers = 0 server_list = nclient.servers.list() for server in server_list: if server.status == 'ACTIVE': active_servers = active_servers + 1 else: nonactive_servers = nonactive_servers + 1 if nonactive_servers > self.threshold: display_color = self.crit_color else: display_color = self.color cdict = { "tenant_name": self.tenant_name, "active_servers": active_servers, "nonactive_servers": nonactive_servers, } = cdict self.output = { "full_text": self.format.format(**cdict), "color": display_color } def openurl(self): webbrowser.open_new_tab(self.horizon_url)