Source code for i3pystatus.reddit

#!/usr/bin/env python

from i3pystatus import IntervalModule
from i3pystatus.core.util import internet, require, user_open

import praw

[docs]class Reddit(IntervalModule): """ This module fetches and displays posts and/or user mail/messages from Left-clicking on the display text opens the permalink/comments page using while right-clicking opens the URL of the submission directly. Depends on the Python Reddit API Wrapper (PRAW) <>. .. rubric:: Available formatters * {submission_title} * {submission_author} * {submission_points} * {submission_comments} * {submission_permalink} * {submission_url} * {submission_domain} * {submission_subreddit} * {message_unread} * {message_author} * {message_subject} * {message_body} """ settings = ( ("format", "Format string used for output."), ("username", "Reddit username."), ("password", "Reddit password."), ("subreddit", "Subreddit to monitor. Uses frontpage if unspecified."), ("sort_by", "'hot', 'new', 'rising', 'controversial', or 'top'."), ("color", "Standard color."), ("colorize", "Enable color change on new message."), ("color_orangered", "Color for new messages."), ("mail_brackets", "Display unread message count in square-brackets."), ("title_maxlen", "Maximum number of characters to display in title."), ("interval", "Update interval."), ("status", "New message indicator."), ) format = "[{submission_subreddit}] {submission_title} ({submission_domain})" username = "" password = "" subreddit = "" sort_by = "hot" color = "#FFFFFF" colorize = True color_orangered = "#FF4500" mail_brackets = False title_maxlen = 80 interval = 300 status = { "new_mail": "✉", "no_mail": "", } _permalink = "" _url = "" @require(internet) def run(self): r = praw.Reddit(user_agent='i3pystatus') if self.password: r.login(self.username, self.password) unread_messages = sum(1 for i in r.get_unread()) if unread_messages: d = vars(next(r.get_unread())) fdict = { "message_unread": unread_messages, "message_author": d["author"], "message_subject": d["subject"], "message_body": d["body"].replace("\n", " "), "status": self.status["new_mail"] } else: fdict = { "message_unread": "", "status": self.status["no_mail"] } if self.subreddit: s = r.get_subreddit(self.subreddit) else: s = r if self.sort_by == 'hot': if not self.subreddit: d = vars(next(s.get_front_page(limit=1))) else: d = vars(next(s.get_hot(limit=1))) elif self.sort_by == 'new': d = vars(next(s.get_new(limit=1))) elif self.sort_by == 'rising': d = vars(next(s.get_rising(limit=1))) elif self.sort_by == 'controversial': d = vars(next(s.get_controversial(limit=1))) elif self.sort_by == 'top': d = vars(next(s.get_top(limit=1))) fdict["submission_title"] = d["title"] fdict["submission_author"] = d["author"] fdict["submission_points"] = d["ups"] fdict["submission_comments"] = d["num_comments"] fdict["submission_permalink"] = d["permalink"] fdict["submission_url"] = d["url"] fdict["submission_domain"] = d["domain"] fdict["submission_subreddit"] = d["subreddit"] self._permalink = fdict["submission_permalink"] self._url = fdict["submission_url"] if self.colorize and fdict["message_unread"]: color = self.color_orangered if self.mail_brackets: fdict["message_unread"] = "[{}]".format(unread_messages) else: color = self.color if len(fdict["submission_title"]) > self.title_maxlen: title = fdict["submission_title"][:(self.title_maxlen - 3)] + "..." fdict["submission_title"] = title full_text = self.format.format(**fdict) self.output = { "full_text": full_text, "color": color, } def on_leftclick(self): user_open(self._permalink) def on_rightclick(self): user_open(self._url)