Source code for i3pystatus.core.modules

from i3pystatus.core.settings import SettingsBase
from i3pystatus.core.threading import Manager
from i3pystatus.core.util import convert_position

[docs]class Module(SettingsBase): output = None position = 0
[docs] def registered(self, status_handler): """Called when this module is registered with a status handler"""
[docs] def inject(self, json): if self.output: if "name" not in self.output: self.output["name"] = self.__name__ self.output["instance"] = str(id(self)) if (self.output.get("color", "") or "").lower() == "#ffffff": del self.output["color"] json.insert(convert_position(self.position, json), self.output)
[docs] def run(self): pass
[docs] def on_click(self, button): if button == 1: # Left mouse button self.on_leftclick() elif button == 3: # Right mouse button self.on_rightclick() elif button == 4: # mouse wheel up self.on_upscroll() elif button == 5: # mouse wheel down self.on_downscroll()
[docs] def move(self, position): self.position = position return self
[docs] def on_leftclick(self): pass
[docs] def on_rightclick(self): pass
[docs] def on_upscroll(self): pass
[docs] def on_downscroll(self): pass
[docs]class IntervalModuleMeta(type): """Add interval setting to `settings` attribute if it does not exist.""" def __init__(cls, name, bases, namespace): super(IntervalModuleMeta, cls).__init__(name, bases, namespace) if not hasattr(cls, 'settings'): cls.settings = tuple() if 'interval' not in SettingsBase.flatten_settings(cls.settings): cls.settings += ('interval', )
[docs]class IntervalModule(Module, metaclass=IntervalModuleMeta): interval = 5 # seconds managers = {}
[docs] def registered(self, status_handler): if self.interval in IntervalModule.managers: IntervalModule.managers[self.interval].append(self) else: am = Manager(self.interval) am.append(self) IntervalModule.managers[self.interval] = am am.start()
def __call__(self):
[docs] def run(self): """Called approximately every self.interval seconds Do not rely on this being called from the same thread at all times. If you need to always have the same thread context, subclass AsyncModule."""