Source code for

import time
import json
import sys
from contextlib import contextmanager

[docs]class IOHandler: def __init__(self, inp=sys.stdin, out=sys.stdout): self.inp = inp self.out = out
[docs] def write_line(self, message): """Unbuffered printing to stdout.""" self.out.write(message + "\n") self.out.flush()
[docs] def read(self): """Iterate over all input lines (Generator)""" while True: try: yield self.read_line() except EOFError: return
[docs] def read_line(self): """ Interrupted respecting reader for stdin. Raises EOFError if the end of stream has been reached """ try: line = self.inp.readline().strip() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise EOFError() # i3status sends EOF, or an empty line if not line: raise EOFError() return line
[docs]class StandaloneIO(IOHandler): """ I/O handler for standalone usage of i3pystatus (w/o i3status) Writing works as usual, but reading will always return a empty JSON array, and the i3bar protocol header """ n = -1 proto = [ {"version": 1, "click_events": True}, "[", "[]", ",[]", ] def __init__(self, click_events, interval=1): super().__init__() self.interval = interval self.proto[0]['click_events'] = click_events self.proto[0] = json.dumps(self.proto[0])
[docs] def read(self): while True: try: time.sleep(self.interval) except KeyboardInterrupt: return yield self.read_line()
[docs] def read_line(self): self.n += 1 return self.proto[min(self.n, len(self.proto) - 1)]
[docs]class JSONIO: def __init__(self, io, skiplines=2): = io for i in range(skiplines):
[docs] def read(self): """Iterate over all JSON input (Generator)""" for line in with self.parse_line(line) as j: yield j
[docs] def parse_line(self, line): """Parse a single line of JSON and write modified JSON back.""" prefix = "" # ignore comma at start of lines if line.startswith(","): line, prefix = line[1:], "," j = json.loads(line) yield j + json.dumps(j))