Source code for i3pystatus.core

import sys
import os
from threading import Thread
from i3pystatus.core.exceptions import ConfigError

from i3pystatus.core.imputil import ClassFinder
from i3pystatus.core import io, util
from i3pystatus.core.modules import Module

[docs]class CommandEndpoint: """ Endpoint for i3bar click events: :param modules: dict-like object with item access semantics via .get() :param io_handler_factory: function creating a file-like object returning a JSON generator on .read() """ def __init__(self, modules, io_handler_factory): self.modules = modules self.io_handler_factory = io_handler_factory self.thread = Thread(target=self._command_endpoint) self.thread.daemon = True
[docs] def start(self): """Starts the background thread""" self.thread.start()
def _command_endpoint(self): for command in self.io_handler_factory().read(): target_module = self.modules.get(command["instance"]) if target_module: target_module.on_click(command["button"])
[docs]class Status: """ The main class used for registering modules and managing I/O :param standalone: Whether i3pystatus should read i3status-compatible input from `input_stream` :param interval: Update interval in seconds :param input_stream: A file-like object that provides the input stream, if `standalone` is False. :param click_events: Enable click events """ def __init__(self, standalone=False, interval=1, input_stream=sys.stdin, click_events=True): self.modules = util.ModuleList(self, ClassFinder(Module)) self.standalone = standalone self.click_events = click_events if standalone: = io.StandaloneIO(self.click_events, interval) if self.click_events: self.command_endpoint = CommandEndpoint( self.modules, lambda: io.JSONIO(io=io.IOHandler(sys.stdin, open(os.devnull, "w")), skiplines=1)) else: = io.IOHandler(input_stream)
[docs] def register(self, module, *args, **kwargs): """Register a new module.""" from i3pystatus.text import Text if not module: return try: return self.modules.append(module, *args, **kwargs) except ImportError as import_error: if and not import_error.path and isinstance(module, str): # This is a package/module not found exception raised by importing a module on-the-fly return self.modules.append(Text( color="#FF0000", text="{i3py_mod}: Missing Python module '{missing_module}'".format( i3py_mod=module, else: raise import_error except ConfigError as configuration_error: return self.modules.append(Text( color="#FF0000", text=configuration_error.message))
[docs] def run(self): if self.click_events: self.command_endpoint.start() for j in io.JSONIO( for module in self.modules: module.inject(j)